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     Okay, so I have this Hobbit fanfiction titled Daughter of Dragons: A Hobbit Fanfiction, and I'm making a Lord of the Rings one to follow it (but it's not published just yet, I may wait a little while for that). But for those who love Thorin fanfictions with slight romance (don't worry, no gushy mushy scenes, the mushiest it gets is when they kiss), dragons, elf/dragons, Kili and Fili, and The Hobbit, then you may like that fanfiction (warning, it has Legolas and Tauriel but Tauriel is pretty much only mentioned and I changed Legolas' entire attitude).

Darth Vader: Just get to the point and get this over with. I'm sure no one cares!

     You always say that, Darthy! I'm pretty sure it's mainly you that doesn't care.

Darth Vader: *mutters something inaudible*

     ANYWAYS... my Lord of the Rings fanfiction. The same character I added, whose name is Valadhiel, is gonna be in it. She has dragon hearing and can be very jumpy sometimes (for good reasons). So one morning Merry and Pippin decide to scare her. They are the first two to wake up in the morning and they take Boromir's horn and wake her up by blowing it RIGHT NEXT TO HER EAR! Does that sound like something that would be funny or no? I've not come up with anything else, but from the top of my head I can think of ways it could go, such as:

     Valadhiel jerked awake with a start and covered her ears. "What in Durin's name are you doing?!" She exclaimed, glaring at Merry and Pippin.

     Merry and Pippin only laughed, earning glares from Gimli and Valadhiel, and a stern look from Aragorn. Boromir walked over and jerked his horn out of the halfling's hand.

     "Ah, come on!" Merry exclaimed.

     "We were just having a little fun!" Pippin said.

     Valadhiel rolled her eyes, but a slight smirk could be seen. "It wouldn't be so funny had I bitten you, would it?"

     "You should indeed be more careful." Legolas said. "Vala is a jumpy creature, startles very easily, and has a tendency to bite when she's afraid."

     "When I'm woken up like that, pe-channas." Valadhiel said playfully, looking at Legolas with a smile. "Have I ever told you what happened to Bofur when he woke me up?"

     "Ah, yes. Bofur told me that story." Gimli said.

Darth Vader: Can I please leave now?

     Oh, sorry, got carried away! Heh-heh... Well, that's my idea for that one. Though I may change it later. Sorry if this chapter's boring. But let me know what you think! ^-^

Darth Vader: Do you know what I think?

Me: *pushes a button on his mask, causing sound to turn off*

Darth Vader: -_-

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