Emoji Pillow

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Okay, so yesterday my sisters and I went to Walmart with Mom. They saw these emoji pillows and asked if we could have one and she said yes. So I was standing a little ways away from them and they told me they found a pillow that matched my personality. Guess which one it was?

Darth Vader: *sarcastic* Hmm, I don't know. Is it the one in the picture above?

Haha, yeah. It's BlueNerdWriter 's profile picture! XP And it does match my personality.

Darth Vader: And looks. Well, you're teeth aren't bucked anymore thanks to those braces of yours. They're still big teeth though.

Wow, thanks. But yeah, 'tis true. Not to mention my glasses and totally geeky personality!

Darth Vader: You're a nerd.

No, technically a geek. A nerd is socially awkward and is really good in a certain area of things, like computers. A geek can also be socially awkward, but they are someone who are obsessed with, say, Lord of the Rings or Star Wars or both.

Darth Vader: Into multiple fandom's and such?

Yeah, kind of like that. So I'm more of a geek because I'm obsessed with LOTR and several other fandoms. And languages! I'm getting good with Spanish and I'm learning Elvish.

Darth Vader: And you're socially awkward.

Actually, when I was at the library yesterday (sister had to get some books so I brought LOTR to read. Finally on Book Four of The Two Towers!) One of the librarians brought up LOTR. So we talked about books vs movies and how we LOVED that Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman played in them. Then we talked about Sherlock, then Netflix, then these new Disney sitcoms compared to the old ones and how much we liked The Cosby Show and I Love Lucy and such. Then we talked about Doctor Who!

Darth Vader: So you'll talk to other people without feeling so shy depending on what you're talking about?

I guess. Just start talking about my favorite fandoms and I'll start talking to you no problem.

Darth Vader: You're so strange.

Aren't I?! :D

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