I Have Mental Issues...

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Me: *laughing like a witch, then a hyena, then in this really SUPER weird indescribable sound* 

Brother: You have serious mental issues.

Me: Yeah, I know.

~Past Times~

Brother: *being weird*

Me: My imaginary friends think you have serious mental issues.

Brother: Says the 16 year old with imaginary friends.

Me: AND imaginary worlds, galaxies, universes and dimensions! It's amazing what all you can fit into one tiny brain!

Brother: What makes it even more amazing is that you're brain's the size of a pea.

Me: *fake emotional* That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me!


Darth Vader: You really do have mental problems.

Me: If this is a mental problem, then I love it!

Thorin: Only you would.

Me: Hey! Just remember, if it weren't for me you two wouldn't even exist!

Legolas: That, mellyn nin, is very true.

Darth Vader: *to Thorin* Did he just call us a melon?

Thorin: *to Darth Vader*It's probably something else in his tongue, but I wouldn't know. I don't care for elves, so what makes you think I speak their language?

Me: *rolls eyes* Even idiots know that mellon in elvish is friend. Mellyn is the Sindarin plural of friend.

Darth Vader: Potato patoto.

Me: No, melon mellon.


GodismyDD: Maybe I really do have mental issues... *mind wanders off to Kili seconds later even though none of this really has to do with the young handsome dwarf prince*


Kili: *dies in the most emotional way EVER*

Tauriel: If this is love, I do not want it. Take it from me, please!

~Back to the Future- erm, I mean, Present~

Me: *cries* Why does it hurt so much?

Thorin: *sighs in annoyance* What does my nephew even have to do with anything right now? You're just about as scatter-brained as Radagast!

Gandalf: Even more so, actually.

Thorin: Where did you come from? Did I not say I would have no more dealings with wizards?!

Darth Vader: *rolls eyes and begins speaking to Me* I'm not going by the movie and saying, 'because it was real', considering he is fictional! Snap out of it, Lissy, he's not real, therefore the love was never real!

Me: *looks at Darth Vader* Anakin, you're breaking my heart!

Darth Vader: ... I hate you so much right now.

Myself: Me too! All she does is think about Legolas, Thorin, Kili and Fili! Every time she thinks of Middle-Earth, she thinks of Kili, then she thinks of how he dies, then she thinks of the scene with Tauriel (or she imagines how they must have died in the book, the two brothers together), then she randomly blurts out, 'Why does it hurt so much?!'! It's super annoying!

Me: WHY?! THORIN, FILI AND KILI DIED! WHY DID THEY HAVE TO DIE!? *cries* *stops crying after an hour* Okay, I'm good now. *Looks at Thorin* Nope! Never mind! *cries again*

Darth Vader: -_-

Thorin: -_-

Myself: -_-

Legolas: *looks unsure of what to do*

Me: Okay, now I'm good.

GodismyDD: *reads through the chapter to make sure it's funny/weird enough and to make sure there are no typos* Wow... I do have mental problems!

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