M i c h a e l
I laughed as Luke walked into the kitchen, clearly pissed.
"Michael, seriously. I'm not in the mood for all of this right now." He said, and I walked over to him, peppering his face in kisses despite him trying to push me away.
He turned his head and kept typing his report that was due in a few days.
"Michael quit. Every time you do this I end up leaving my work until the very last day and then I'm all stressed out." He said, and I rubbed his shoulders.
"It sounds like you already are.." I whispered, and leaned down, holding onto the back of his chair and kissed his neck.
"Michael stop. I don't have time for this." He said, and pushed his shoulder back, nudging me.
"You're so sassy." I whispered, and stood up.
"It's late Luke. I'll be upstairs waiting.." I whispered, and rubbed his shoulder before leaving the room.
I ran up the stairs, and fixed the bed the way Luke likes it. I covered it with fuzzy blankets, and soft memory foam pillows. I dimmed the lights, and smiled as he walked in and ran a hand through his hair.
"Im exhausted but I already know I'm not gonna be able to fall asleep." He whispered, and fell onto my shoulder. I held him close and placed my hand on the back of his head.
I walked him over to the bed, and let him lay down as I walked to the other side.
"I'm so stressed." He whispered, and I could tell my his messy hair that he had been pulling at it. "Luke, tomorrow is Saturday, neither of us have anything to do, so I'm gonna help you, okay? You read out your essay, and I'll type it." I said, and he lightly smiled, leaning over to kiss my lips quickly.
We laid there for quite a while, and Luke kept tossing and turning, not able to fall asleep.
"Baby..." I whispered, and moved closer to him, pushing my hand up his shirt, and rubbing his stomach lightly.
I pushed his back onto the bed, and straddled him, kissing his neck. I know neck kisses are his weakness.
I noticed the way he closed his eyes, and threw his head back, begging for more.
"I bet I can put you to sleep.." I whispered as a moan left his lips.
"Please do.."