Luke quietly followed Michael to their tiny bedroom.
They were headed to bed, but Michael wasn't doing too good today. He had anger issues and he really let them show. Luke was beyond ready for bed after hearing Michael complain for about three hours.
Michael laid down on the twin sized bed they had. It was all they could afford.
Luke sat on the edge of the small bed and laid his body behind Michaels, throwing an arm around his waist, snuggling into his back. The bed was really only big enough for one person, but Michael usually holds Luke.
"Luke, I'm sorry but I just need some space tonight." Michael said, and Luke nodded, scooting away as best as he could.
He covered Michael with the blanket and sat up, one of his legs hanging off of the bed.
Michael can't help it when he gets angry. He's never been mean to Luke.
Luke knows Michael just needs to rest and calm down, so he wanted to give him all the space he needed. He just wanted Michael to be happy again.
"I love you," Luke whispered, but he didn't get a response. Michael was probably already fast asleep.
Luke sat on the edge of the bed, and just admired Michael. He looks so good, and Luke loves him more than anything in the world. He would do anything for Michael.
Luke turned and faced the wall on the opposite side of the room. He stood up onto his feet and grabbed a blanket, walking over to the soft rug they had in their room.
He put another blanket down for a pillow, and laid on the soft rug. It wasn't too bad, honestly. He wanted Michael to get all of the rest he could so he could be happy again.
"Luke?" He heard a soft voice ask as the lamp immediately lit up the room.
"Yeah?" Luke asked and sat up.
"I'm sorry. Come here." Michael said, noticing Luke was sleeping on the rug. Luke shook his head.
"No, Michael it's okay. I'm fine. You need your space. Go back to bed." Luke said, and stood up.
He pulled the blankets back up over Michael, and kissed his cheek, letting his lips linger for a few seconds.
He pulled back and ran a hand through Michaels hair once before standing back up.
"I love you." Michael whispered, pulling Luke down on top of him.
He held Luke to his chest, hugging him as tight as he could.
Nobody has ever cared for him as much as Luke has. He's busted his ass recently trying to make sure everything is perfect for Michael and he hasn't even paid Luke back.
Michael laid Luke down on the bed, laying between his legs. He let his lips touch Luke's, sending them both into pure bliss.
Michael didn't waste any time as he kissed down Luke's neck, stripping him of his shirt until they were both naked under the blankets.
Michael blindly reached over to the bedside table as he kissed Luke's neck. He opened a drawer and peeked up, pulling a bottle of lube out as he grinded his crotch against Luke's.
Michael applied the lube to his leaking erection and placed the rest over Luke's heat.
He knew Luke was ready when he heard whimpers coming out of the blondes mouth, his legs wrapped tightly around Michaels waist.
Michael slowly entered Luke, hearing a gasp come out of Luke's mouth. He looked up, and could tell it was a little painful for Luke.
"I'll take it easy.." Michael whispered, and Luke closed his eyes, squeezing them shut as he dug into Michaels back with his nails.
He slowly pulled out, and slowly went back in until Luke's legs lost tension, and he threw his head back.
Michael pulled the blankets up, and sank all the way into Luke. The sounds coming out of their mouths mixed in the room, leaving that as the only sound they could hear.
As Michael sped up, Luke's moans got louder with the headboard smacking against the wall.
Michael kept his head tucked in Luke's neck, biting down a little because he knows how much Luke loves it.
"Michael we can switch if you don't want t-"
"No, it's all about you tonight, okay?" Michael said, and Luke smiled, throwing his head back into the pillow.
Usually when he rides Michael, it's more pleasurable for the older boy. Luke just couldn't find comfort in it like he can when Michael is all over him.
"Faster.." Luke whispered, and Michael sped up his movements, causing Luke's breath to hitch in his throat as Michael hit his prostate over and over again.
Michael laid his head beside Luke's as he mercilessly thrusted into the younger boy. They pressed their foreheads together, breathing in each other's moans as they both climaxed.
"Michael!" Luke yelled, gripping onto the older boys arm as he spilled all over their chests.
Michael leaned down and kissed Luke's lips roughly.
"Love.." he whispered, not having enough breath to say anything else.