Luke lightly smiled as he looked up at Michael who walked beside him.
The older boy was doing something on his phone, but it was supposed to be their date night and Luke wanted to go on a walk in the park with Michael.
"Mikey, look!" Luke, whispered, and pointed at the small patch of sun flowers.
"Yeah," Michael said, but he didn't even look up, making Luke frown a little.
Their entire date was spent in silence. Luke acted out to get Michaels attention, but it never worked.
Luke sat in front of the desk top computer in Michaels room and clicked on the google chrome icon, pressing the search bar.
'How to keep him interested'
Luke scrolled through loads of advice on how to keep Michael interested in him. He was afraid Michael didn't love him like he used to anymore. Luke doesn't get the loving attention he craves anymore.
Luke jumped when he felt someone snatch the computer mouse away.
"Luke, what is this?" Michael asked and scrolled through the web page, embarrassed tears filling Luke's eyes. "How to keep him interested?"
Luke kept his gaze on the computer reading each individual section as Michael scrolled.
"Wear crop tops... shorter skirts... make sure to go places he likes... do stuff he wants to do... offer sex when he w- Luke, why are you looking at this?" Michael asked, looking over at the younger boy.
"I'm just afraid." Luke whispered, a tear falling from his eye. "You just don't seem that interested in me anymore."
Michael spun Luke's chair around, and kneeled down in front of him.
"Baby.." Michael whispered when he saw more tears fall out of Luke's eyes. He rubbed Luke's leg a little and grabbed both of Luke's hands.
"Don't you dare fill your mind with false advice on how to keep me interested. Luke, I love you more than anything in the world, and you are my number one priority. Just you being there keeps me interested. Every time I look at you, I can't help but smile because I know that I'm gonna marry you one day. You don't have to do anything in my benefit just because you think it'll make me love you more. Don't change the way you look like this dumb website tells you to, and don't you dare offer your body just because you think I'm getting bored. You are beautiful and you are worth more than that. You are a fucking gem, Luke, and if you think I'll ever lose interest, you're dead wrong." Michael said, and Luke smiled through his tears, feeling Michael squeeze his hands.
"I just... lately I've felt like you don't even want to pay attention to me or.. even hold me anymore. You're always going somewhere or you stay home and do something without me." Luke cried, and Michael was upset with himself for making Luke feel this lonely.
"I'm stupid, Luke. I didn't realize I was making you feel like this. But don't chase me with stupid advice from the Internet. It's my job to chase you, and pursue you Luke because I love you, and I can't see you with anyone else. I'm always gonna love you." Michael whispered, and held Luke's hands even tighter.
He stood up, and hugged Luke so tight.
"I love you so much, Luke." Michael whispered, running his hand through Luke's hair on the back of his neck.
"And I'm always going to."