"Michael! It's Christmas Eve!" Luke squealed, shaking Michael.
"Luke, I'm aware!" Michael laughed, shaking Luke back.
"Look what I did.." Luke said, showing Michael every single decoration he put up in the house. It took twenty minutes to get through all of them.
"You're crazy." Michael whispered, kissing Luke's head.
"Why aren't you excited? I bought you presents." Luke said, and Michael laughed.
"Nobody can match your excitement, babe. And I have something for you, too." Michael told him, making Luke smile.
"I love you." Luke told him.
"I love you too." Michael whispered, kissing Luke's lips, holding both of his hands.
"Get up! Get up right now!" Luke yelled, jumping up and down on the bed.
"Luke, it's 6 in the morning." Michael groaned.
"So what?" Luke asked, still jumping in the bed.
"If you break the box spring, you're sleeping on the floor." Michael told him.
"Is that a fat joke, Michael Clifford?" Luke asked, jumping up and down right beside Michael.
"What are you? Seven?" Michael asked, rolling over.
"7+12 is what I am." Luke said, and Michael pulled Luke's leg, making him fall on their king sized bed.
Luke crawled up beside Michael, snuggling into his shoulder.
"You're so cute." Michael whispered, making Luke smile.
Luke stood up off of the bed after a few minutes and pulled Michael up with him.
They ran downstairs and Luke sat on Michaels lap, kissing his cheek softly.
Luke and Michael spoil each other all year round, so when it comes to Christmas all they want is to spend it with each other. They only get a few present, but that doesn't matter to either of them. They already have all that they want.
"I got you something." Luke whispered, handing Michael a little box.
Michael opened it and smiled when he saw the personalized phone case. There was a picture of him and Luke on it. He had always talked about ordering one.
"I love it." Michael whispered, kissing Luke's cheek.
"I got you something too." Michael whispered, scooting over a giant box.
Luke quickly opened it, and tore open the box, playfully rolling his eyes when he saw a tiny wrapped box sitting in it.
He pulled it out, and stood up, unwrapping it. He opened the small box and felt his eyes fill up with tears at the sight of the beautiful ring.
"Michael it's-"
His eyes widened when he turned and saw Michael down on one knee.
"Baby, I love you. I can't see myself spending one day without you. Please make me the happiest man in the world and tell me that you will marry me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.." Michael said softly.
"Of course! Oh my gosh, yes!" Luke cried, going down to Michaels level to hug him.
They pulled back and kissed each other with so much love. Neither of them wanted to leave the others embrace. Ever.
"I love you so much." Luke cried, sniffling.
"I love you too. Always."