Michael ran a hand through Luke's hair as he saw his boyfriends eyes drooping shut. A lazy smile coated Luke's face as Michael looked at him.
"You ready to get out? I already took my shower in the other bathroom, and I made the bed just they way you like it.." Michael whispered, and Luke smiled, nodding.
Michael kissed his forehead before draining the water out of the bathtub.
"I can't walk." Luke laughed, his scratchy voice prominent.
Michael bent down and picked Luke up out of the bathtub, helping him stand while he got dried off.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart." Michael whispered, looking down at Luke sympathetically.
"Don't you dare apologize. It was worth it. Every second." Luke whispered, kissing the back of Michaels jaw.
Michael went away for a week to visit with his family, leaving Luke by himself at home.
From the moment Michael got home, they couldn't keep their hands off each other which resulted in a sore ass and numb legs for Luke.
Once Luke was dried off, Michael carried him over to the bed, laying him down gently on his side.
He crawled in beside Luke and smiled at him.
"I am so tired it's not even funny." Luke whispered, laughing a little.
"Me too.." Michael whispered, scooting close enough to hold Luke against him.
"I love you so, so much." Michael whispered, running his hand comfortingly through Luke's damp hair.
"I love you too, Mikey." Luke said softly.
Michael couldn't think of a single place that he would rather be than right here, right now.
He got to hold everything he's ever wanted in his arms, and there's nothing more he could ask for.