"You were all over him tonight, Luke!" Michael said as they walked into the house. They were just at a gay club, and Michael saw Luke dancing on some guy.
"I just wanted to have fun. All you did was talk to the bartender." Luke said quietly as he hopped up on the counter.
"That gives you no reason to go and dance on another guy, Luke. You let him touch you in ways only I should. How are you okay with that?" Michael asked.
"He didn't touch me a lot.." Luke said, and Michael rolled his eyes. "Oh, so bending you over and grinding into your ass is acceptable." Michael said sarcastically.
"Michael, I'm-"
"You're such a slut sometimes, and you don't even know it. You do all of this stuff that's just so messed up, and think it's okay." Michael said, and Luke felt his eyes fill up with tears.
"I was just trying to say I'm sorry. I know I was wrong to do that, but I'm not a slut." Luke said as a single tear fell down his face.
"Well you sure as hell were acting like one." Michael spat.
Luke looked down, and his face dropped as he let more tears spill from his eyes. He felt stupid and embarrassed and he felt like a slut. He didn't mean to let anything go this far.
"You're so stupid, Luke. You can't just do stuff like that. Do you not think?!" Michael asked, not even looking at Luke anymore. He couldn't see the damage being done.
Luke hugged his body. He didn't feel beautiful anymore, and he just felt trashy. He wasn't good to Michael. He didn't deserve Michael, he thought.
He got up, and ran from the kitchen. He ran up the stairs into their room and shut the door. He just wanted to go to bed.
He opened his underwear drawer, and all he had were lacy panties and spandex. He became angry, and he searched for something less revealing. He threw them out on the floor one by one, not finding anything.
He went to Michael's drawer, and got a pair of loose boxers to put on. He laid them on the bed, and looked in his pajama drawer, seeing all he had was tight yoga shorts, or short pajama shorts. He couldn't wear those.
He realized Michael was right. He is a trashy person. Luke gave up, and laid on the bed, sobbing into the pillow. He felt so awful that he couldn't help it.
"Luke, what happened in here?" Michael asked, looking at all of the shorts and panties on the floor.
"I don't even own anything that doesn't make me look like a slut. What boy wears these, right? It's not pretty." Luke said, picking up a pair of baby pink panties before angrily throwing them on the ground.
"No, Luke.." Michael whispered, sitting beside Luke on the bed as he watched him cry. He took the blonde boys hand, and pulled him onto his lap.
"You are so, so beautiful. I'm the stupid one. You tried to apologize, but I just kept going. I never meant to make you feel like this." Michael said, but that didn't help.
"Luke, you are not a slut. I know you just wanted to have fun. You didn't mean to cause any harm. You look so pretty in your panties, and your shorts, and your crop tops, and your cute little pink converse, and I honestly can't get over it when you wear lingerie because you look so, so, so beautiful. I love you just the way you are. I love you so much." Michael said, and Luke smiled, drying up his tears.
"I'm sorry for dancing with somebody else."
"I'm sorry for not giving you the attention you deserve."