The guys all smiled as they stepped off stage, but Luke was feeling awfully tired. More than usual. They all planned on going out for drinks, but Luke didn't want to.
"Mikey? Can we just go back to the bus and cuddle?" Luke asked, and Michael looked down at him.
"Babe? We're all going to the club." Michael said, and Luke shook his head. "I really can't. I'm exhausted." Luke said, and Michael knew Luke needed to sleep, but he didn't wanna go back to the bus with him.
"Please. There are some beers in the fridge. You can drink, but you can hold me while I fall asleep, right?" Luke asked, and bit his lip, batting his eyelashes. He really wanted Michael with him tonight. The time they have is limited now. They're always rehearsing.
"Luke.." Michael sighed.
"Michael please." Luke said, so Michael sighed again before nodding.
"I've gotta go back to the bus with Luke, guys. Says he's tired." Michael mumbled, setting down his guitar. Luke thought he saw Michael roll his eyes, but he didn't wanna say anything.
"Thank you for staying with me." Luke mumbled as he sat down next to Michael.
"Mhmm." Michael hummed, looking at the tv, seeing the movie that Luke put on.
Luke tried snuggling closer to Michael, but the black haired boy wasn't making any advances. "Hold me.." Luke pouted.
Michael didn't move or even look at Luke. "Baby.." Luke whined, and poked Michael's chest.
"I gave up my night to come here so you could sleep. Why don't you do that?" Michael said, so Luke backed off a little.
"Sorry.." Luke spat, clearly upset that Michael would sit there and feel sorry for himself that he has to spend time with him.
"Why are you mad? You got what you wanted." Michael said, taking his arm away from around Luke.
"Please stop." Luke said, turning from Michael.
"Fucking diva." Michael spat.
"What do you want?" Luke asked, turning to look at Michael.
"Well, I wanted to go out tonight, but since I can't, an apology for making me waste my time here would be nice-"
"Okay, Michael. I'm sorry." Luke said angrily, feeling his eyes fill up with tears. "I'm sorry I miss you, and I'm sorry I just want to spend time with you. I didn't realize you being here with me would be such a horrible use of your oh so precious time. I'm sorry!" Luke yelled, standing up, leaving the room quickly.
He ran into the hall, and climbed into his bunk, just wishing he could start the day over.
He shut the curtain, and hugged a pillow to his chest. He tried to hold in his sobs, but he couldn't help but feel so alone even when he was with Michael.
"Come here." Michael whispered, pulling Luke out of his bunk until he was holding him. He carried Luke to the living room, and sat on the couch.
"I'm so sorry." Michael whispered, rubbing Luke's back. "I love you.." He said softly, trying to get Luke to calm down.
"I miss you." Luke cried, crying into Michael's shoulder, clinging onto the boys shirt.
"I'm sorry.." Michael whispered, holding Luke so tight. "I miss you too."
"It doesn't feel like you do." Luke said, and looked up, his sad eyes meeting Michael's sorry eyes.
"Baby, I do. I miss you, and I love you. I'm sorry I've made you feel this way. I don't wanna see you cry anymore, love." Michael whispered, wiping Luke's tears away.