Luke was laying with his head in Michael's lap. They were sitting on a couch that faced big glass doors, so he watched as the rain fell.
"Mikey, look." Luke said, and looked up. Michael moved his phone to the side so he could look at Luke's face. Luke pointed at the rain, and Michael nodded, looking back at his phone. Usually Michael wouldn't be on his phone while Luke wanted his attention, so he was probably doing something important.
He turned on his side, and looked at the rain.
"Will you cuddle me?" Luke asked.
"I have a bunch of stuff I need to respond to. Give me a few minutes." Michael said, but a few minutes eventually turned into 15.
"Please pay attention to me." Luke pouted, so Michael leaned down, kissing Luke's forehead before looking back to his phone.
Luke eventually got tired of waiting for Michael to be done, so he just turned on his side, with his face towards Michael's stomach. He quickly drifted off to sleep to the sound of the rain.
"Aw, baby.." Michael whispered once he noticed Luke had fallen asleep. He pushed a hand through Luke's hair, and leaned down, kissing his forehead again.
He lightly smiled as he looked down at Luke. He was so sweet, and adorable and Michael wishes he would've given him more attention. That's all he wanted, after all.
Michael was so caught up with working with the label that him and Luke have limited time together every day. He misses him so much.
Michael noticed how Luke tended to get restless in his sleep. He would scrunch up his nose, his arm would shake, or his leg would kick out as if he were having a bad dream or something.
Michael pulled Luke up, and cradled him in his arms. Luke started to stir around, so Michael leaned down to his ear.
"It's okay, baby. Just go back to sleep."