"Michael!" Luke yelled as he ran into their bedroom, seeing Michael laying on the bed. He jumped up, and sat on his knees, poking Michael's chest.
"Yeah, babe?" He asked, not looking away from his phone.
Luke laid down, pulling Michael's arm around him. He lifted a finger, and pushed down the power button, turning Michael's phone off.
Michael laughed, and looked over at Luke. Luke had a grin on his face, making Michael smile at him also, knowing exactly when Luke wanted attention.
"What do you want?" Michael laughed, pressing his forehead to Luke's, holding him close.
"This." He whispered, loving how close he was to Michael.
Michael turned over, so Luke was laying on his chest. He gave little pokes to Luke's side, making him giggle and squirm. Michael thought he looked adorable.
"You look so pretty." Michael whispered, so Luke blushed, kissing Michael's nose.
He poked Luke a few more times, causing the blond boy to shake his head. "Stop it, that tickles." Luke laughed.
Michael smirked as he moved his fingers quickly on Luke's sides, causing him to scream with laughter.
"Stop!" He screamed, falling over on the bed, causing Michael to pin him down as he tickled him.
Luke couldn't help it when his leg flew up, nailing Michael right in the crotch.
"Dammit, Luke!" Michael hissed, falling down beside him. Luke gasped and felt his eyes fill up with tears. He's afraid Michael's gonna be mad. Michael never gets angry with Luke, but he might be now.
"I didn't mean to hurt you." Luke whimpered, biting his nail nervously.
Michael groaned, rolling on his stomach.
Luke sat up, sitting criss cross as he watched Michael. A tear escaped his eye just at the thought of Michael being mad.
Once the pain subsided, Michael slowly sat up.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to. Please don't be mad at me." Luke cried, so Michael's jaw dropped as he hugged Luke tightly.
Luke had always been very sensitive, but it was because whenever his parents would get mad at him, they would yell and hit him. He was just scared. That was before he moved in with Michael.
"Baby, hush. It was an accident. I am not mad at you. It's okay." Michael whispered, rubbing Luke's back.
"Still love me even though I hurt you?" Luke asked, and smiled a little.
"I never stopped loving you, even for one second."