"Hey Luke." Michael said through the phone. He was away on business. He takes a cab to another office 1 hour away, and stays there Monday-Thursday. He gets to see Luke and the kids on the weekends. It's only temporary.
"Hi Michael." Luke said, packing up his work. It was 5:12 p.m. and he was ready to leave his office.
"How's it going? Are the kids good?" Michael asked.
"Yeah. They're doing great. Sarah's piano recital went great. She did so good." Luke laughed, and turned off his computer.
"Can you send me the video of it?" Michael asked.
"Actually, I didn't get a video." Luke said softly.
"What? Luke.." Michael sighed, and Luke shrugged.
"I was holding my phone up, and I thought I was taking a video, but I hit the button twice, so it didn't record anything." Luke laughed.
"Really Luke? I asked you to do one thing." Michael said, and Luke's face fell a little.
"I'm sorry. It was an accident." Luke said quietly. Luke knows Michael's job is really stressful right now because this morning, they lost a huge client, but he didn't expect Michael to be so mean.
"Whatever Luke.." Michael scoffed, and the blonde boy furrowed his eyebrows.
"Please stop talking to me like that." He said, a little annoyed with Michael.
"I can do whatever the hell I want. I'm in another city working my ass off for you." Michael defended.
"What do you think I'm doing, Michael? I'm working too!" Luke said, and Michael laughed. Before he could say anything back, Luke stopped him. "I'm working and taking care of the kids by myself."
"Oh because that's so hard." Michael said sarcastically.
"It is, Michael! Every day after work you get to go to your condo and go to sleep! I have to pick the kids up, cook dinner, get them in the bath, and put them to bed. Jasper hasn't been going to sleep, and he just wants to stay up. Sarah's fine, but she wakes up around 3 in the morning everyday and just wants to talk. I haven't slept in so lo-"
"Wow, sucks, Luke. At least you get to see the kids every night." Michael said.
"You chose to go, Michael. You could work closer to home. I'm happy that you're making more for us, but I'm maxed out. I can't do it on my own." Luke said, feeling his eyes fill with tears.
"This is ridiculous, Luke.." Michael sighed, pausing for a second. "..I think I should go." Michael said.
"Yeah." Luke said, and as soon as Michael hung up the phone, Luke laid his head on his desk.
"When's daddy coming home?" Jasper asked, snuggling closer into Luke's side.
"Maybe tomorrow." Luke sighed, and stood up.
"He was supposed to come home today.." Sarah whispered, biting her nail to stop the tears from leaving her eyes.
"He was?!" Jasper asked, looking up at Luke with red eyes.
"Yes, but-"
"Does he still love us?" Sarah asked, letting a few tears fall from her eyes.
"Of course he does." He said, sitting up.
He stood up, and held the toddlers on his hips as he walked down the hallway to him and Michael's room.
"No he doesn't.." Jasper cried.