Luke played with the new microphones as Michael typed away on the computer, trying to download their new software.
"Mikey.. I'm sleepy." Luke whined, laying his head on the table.
"Go on to bed, sweetheart." Michael said softly, typing in yet another code.
"I want you to hold me.." Luke muttered.
"I've gotta finish this." Michael told him, and Luke sighed.
"Why?" He whined, and Michael laughed at him.
"So you can record at home. I love hearing your pretty voice." Michael whispered.
"Even when I'm singing about my girlfriend bitching?" Luke asked, causing Michael to laugh and shake his head. "Because you're just the side chick and you know it." Luke told him, dragging his finger down Michaels arm.
"Guess that explains the ring on your left hand doesn't it?" Michael said, and Luke playfully rolled his eyes.
"Go to bed.." Michael laughed, running a hand through the wavy mess on Luke's head.
"Not without you." Luke told him.
"But you're tired." Michael mumbled.
"But you're staying down here." Luke huffed, not wanting to fall asleep without his fiancé.
"Come here, baby." Michael whispered, opening up his arms. Luke smiled, crawling onto Michaels lap, straddling his waist. He laid his head on Michaels shoulder and it only took two minutes before he fell asleep on Michael.
The brunette kissed Luke's temple before bringing his arms around Luke, continuing to set up the software.
After an hour, he finished, and Luke was completely out on his shoulder.
Michael smiled, holding him on his waist as he walked down the hallway to their bedroom. He slowly sat him down on the bed, bringing the blankets over his small body.
Michael crawled in beside him, laying close to Luke.
"I love you," Michael whispered before kissing Luke's forehead one last time.