Always Family

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for alltimecalvm

"Baby.." Michael whispered as Luke sucked on his bottom lip, tugging it slightly.

Michael held the small of Luke's back, and pulled him up on his lap. Luke let Michaels tongue enter his mouth, tangling with his own for a second.

Luke's arms rested on Michaels shoulders, and his hands ran through the older boys hair.

"Boys I- oh!" They heard, and Luke looked over, seeing his mom stand there with a shocked expression.

He let his head fall onto Michaels shoulder, after seeing ben and jack behind her.

He could not hide the sobs that fell from his mouth. He was so scared.

Nobody knew that Michael was his boyfriend. They didn't even know Luke likes boys. Nobody suspected a thing. They were just best friends as far as everyone was concerned, but now they know what's going on.

"We're just gonna go downstairs." Liz whispered, closing the door.

Michael held Luke so tight as he shook, his cries muffled by Michaels shirt.

Luke felt his nerves building up, and he found it hard to breathe.

"Baby, calm down." Michael whispered, laying Luke down.

"They're gonna hate me." Luke cried, rolling on his side to snuggle into Michaels chest.

"No, Luke." Michael whispered, kissing his forehead. "Go talk to them."

Luke stood up and Michael gave him one last kiss before Luke went down the stairs to talk to his family.

He made Michael come with him, holding onto his hand as tight as he could.

"In sorry." Luke whispered as he walked into the kitchen. They all looked over him. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I was too scared. I- please don't hate me." Luke cried.

"Luke, don't you dare think that we would ever hate you." Liz whispered, walking over and hugging Luke.

"You guys don't hate me, right?" Luke asked after Liz pulled away.

"Of course not." Ben said. "We're proud of you." Jack added, and Liz smiled as the older boys hugged Luke as tight as they could.

Luke let another sob escape his lips. All of his fears left and he was left feeling nothing but support.

"Hey, it's okay, Lukey." Jack said, pushing Luke's hair back.

"Thank you guys so much." Luke cried, his whole family enveloping him with their unconditional love.

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