Muke is Dead

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Thank you calujm for this idea

Luke ran back onto the stage after he got water, and saw the guys talking about something.

He retuned his guitar as they kept talking, Calum rambling on about his shirt that had Michael written on it.

"Yeah, muke, or mook... Whatever it is, it's dead." Michael said, and Luke glanced over, laughing because Michael was only joking.

He walked over to Michael once they started the next song, and smiled. Michael just glanced at him, and looked away quickly.


"Michael! Wait!" Luke said as he ran over to Michael. He was about to get on the bus, but he turned around instead.

He's gotten a little closer to Luke than he should've, probably leading him on, but he can't take it any further.

"Do you still wanna go see that movie tonight? It starts in thirty minutes so we sh-"

"I'm not going." Michael said, so Luke nodded.

"Well, maybe we can stay on the bus and you can hold me like you always do.." Luke giggled, and poked Michael's chest.

"Luke no." Michael said, pushing Luke's hand away.

"Cmon..." Luke said softly, smirking at Michael.

"Luke no. We need to stop whatever were doing." Michael said and Luke's face dropped.

"But, I really like spending time with you." Luke said softly, looking up to Michael with those big blue eyes that always got him what he wanted.

"Stop doing that. Stop looking at me like that. You can't just jut your lip out, and make your eyes all watery. I always give in, but I can't. I don't want this anymore," Michael said softly, and Luke looked down at Michael's chest.

"Tell me what I can do. I want you to stay with me." Luke said, and Michael shook his head.

"No. I'm not with you. I never even asked you to be my boyfriend. You were just always kinda there. You can't remember me asking you out, can you?" Michael asked, and Luke shook his head as a tear fell from his eye.

"No. I always wanted you to, but you never did.." Luke mumbled, and Michael sighed.

"Luke, don't do that. Don't make me feel guilty."

"I'm sorry.." Luke whispered, and wiped his eye. " earlier when you said muke is dead, you really meant it?" Luke asked, and Michael put his hands in his pockets before nodding.

"Luke, I never meant to hurt you.." Michael whispered.

"I know.." Luke said softly.

He watched as Michael walked away to the back of the bus before he pulled out a cigarette. He leaned against the side of the bus, and Luke felt his heart breaking as the guy he's in love with stood there.

Truth is, Michael loves Luke, but his fear of commitment got the best of him.

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