Luke walked up the driveway of Michaels house, and stood on the porch for about five minutes, really wandering if he should stay here or not.
He knows Michael loves him, but he doesn't like being alone all of the time.
He hesitantly walked in, and already knew he missed it here.
Luke closed the door quietly and laid his suitcase down, keeping his pink backpack on.
Reaching over his head, he pulled out the pink teddy bear that Michael gave him, holding it tightly to his chest.
He safely secured the letter in his backpack, wanting to read it again someday.
Luke walked towards the kitchen and saw Michael sitting at the island, a bottle and a glass cup beside him.
He poured more whisky into the cup as he stared out of the window.
"Don't get drunk.." Luke whispered, causing Michael to turn around quickly.
"You're back. Luke I- did you leave something?" He asked, and the blonde boy nodded.
"Oh. I can help you find it if you need." Michael said softly, sounding defeated.
"I don't want to leave you, Michael." Luke whispered, running over to the older boy, feeling arms immediately hold him.
"Baby..." Michael cried. "...I'm sorry for how I've treated you, but I promise from now on I'm going to give you all of the attention you deserve. Just please don't go."
"I don't want to go, but if I'm always alone like before, I'm not giving you another chance like I'm doing now." Luke warned him, and Michael nodded, kissing Luke's lips immediately.
The blonde boy smiled when they pulled away, and laid his head on Michaels shoulder.
He felt Michaels hands remove his backpack and the teddy bear, gently laying them on the ground.
He ran his hands down Luke's arms and stepped back, looking Luke's body up and down. "You're really here." Michael smiled, making Luke laugh a little.
"I'll make some hot chocolate for us and we can watch Harry Potter okay?" Michael said quickly, knowing exactly what Luke likes.
Luke smiled and nodded.
"Can I go put on one of-"
"My shirts? Luke you don't have to ask." Michael said, and smiled as he watched his boyfriend run up the stairs.
He put extra marshmallows in Luke's hot chocolate just because.
He's gonna take every minute he has to show Luke that he is worth it all.