When Luke was 11, his mom was struck by lightning. Her jewelry had to be surgically removed from her skin, and recovery took a very long time.
Ever since, Luke has been terrified of thunder storms.
Michael's always been there for him. To hold him, tell him he's safe, but lately, him and Michael haven't been on the best terms.
"Layla?!" Luke yelled, hoping that his three year old daughter would cuddle with him, bringing some sense of security to him.
She didn't answer, and Luke was feeling very anxious and scared as the rain pounded down on the roof and windows.
The stairwell was dark and that's what scared him the most. He would have to run up the dark stairs while it was storming.
He bit his lip, and quickly ran, skipping a step every time.
Loud thunder sounded through the house after he got to the top. His eyes filled up with tears as he quickly ran to him and Michael's room.
He opened the door, and felt relieved when seeing Layla curled up on Michael's chest.
"Luke, hush!" Michael whisper yelled.
He bit his nail as he ran over to the bed, trying to crawl in.
"Luke, stop, you're gonna wake her." Michael said, tugging the blanket, but Luke didn't listen. He scooted into Michael's side, holding tightly onto his arm.
"Our three year old acts more mature than you. You're acting like a baby." Michael groaned.
Luke whimpered as lightning lit up the room.
"Michael, I'm sorry. I'm scared.." He whispered.
Michael sighed, looking down into Luke's fear filled eyes. He couldn't be annoyed with him anymore. Luke needs him.
"Hey, it's okay.." Michael whispered, wrapping his arm around Luke's waist, pulling him close. He felt Luke shaking, and felt tears soak into his shirt. Most people would say Luke's just being dramatic, but Michael knows that storms are Luke's biggest fear.
He laid the little girl down on the bed, and turned over, holding Luke tightly.
"Baby, you're gonna be just fine. I've got you. I promise you're gonna be okay." Michael whispered, which made Luke feel so safe with him.