"Tell me a- again. Tell me why you love me." Luke hiccuped, his drunk mind cloudy.
He poked Michaels nose who closed his eyes, smiling as Luke pressed his forehead on his.
"I love you because you're Luke." Michael chuckled, leaning Luke back against the armrest of the couch.
"I love you... because you're Michael." Luke laughed, throwing his head back.
Michael pressed a bottle to Luke lips and watched as the younger boy took another big sip.
"Pretty.." Michael whispered, looking into Luke's glossy eyes.
"You're just drunk.." Luke laughed, smiling, showing his perfect teeth.
"You're just gorgeous." Michael told him, laying on top of him.
Michael was very snuggly when he was drunk, and Luke was giggly. They got drunk at home every Friday night. They don't care enough to go out. They just want to spend time with each other, away from their jobs. And the hangover forces them to stay in bed for a while in the morning, talking about anything and everything.
"Love, love, love, love, love." Luke said quickly, cuddling into Michael, giggling just a second after.
Michael kissed up and down Luke's neck slowly while Luke closed his eyes.
"Lukey bear." Michael gushed, pressing his nose against Michael's cheek.
"My Mikey." Luke mumbled, kissing Michael softly on the lips.
Luke groaned when he woke up, this being one of the worst hangovers yet.
"I know, babe. Tylenol is on the table beside you." Michael said, looking up at the ceiling, his head hurting just as much.
He quickly took the pill, scooting over to Michael who's arm was out for him. Luke laid on Michael's shoulder and sighed.
"Not in the mood, today." Luke whispered, and Michael nodded. "I'm glad you agree. I don't want to move."
Usually on Saturdays, after they got drunk the night before, they wake up and go at it until both of them are too tired to continue. Neither of them were in the mood to even sit up, let alone have sex.
"Love you." Luke muttered, turning on his side, putting one leg over Michael's waist.
Luke smiled as he felt Luke get comfortable. His stubble was poking Michael's shoulder and his weight was causing the older boys arm to lose feeling, but Michael didn't care. He just wanted to hold Luke. He wants his baby to feel better.
"I love you, too, Luke."