Forever Mine

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Luke sighed as he looked at the clock.

It was 7:30. Michael was supposed to be home about an hour ago.

He looked at the table he had set up for dinner as he tried calling Michael one more time.

This wasn't the first time this has happened. Lately Michael has been coming home late without calling. He says he's working late because money has been really tight, but Luke is starting to lose hope. He let his insecurities take over and he thought the reason Michael wasn't coming home is because he just doesn't want him anymore.

He felt his heart break a little more as the call went to voicemail.

He blew out the candle and sat back, realizing Michael probably wouldn't be home until after Luke was asleep again.

His eyes widened when he saw he was getting a call from Karen.

He quickly answered.

"Hi, Karen." He said and smiled. He felt so lonely. He was dying to talk to someone.

"Hey, sweetheart. You need to get down to the hospital right now. Michael's car was hit, and he's in intensive care right now. He's asking for you." She said, and Luke quickly stood up, grabbing his keys and running to the car.


Once Luke was allowed to see Michael, he ran to the room.

Luke cried as he ran over to Michael's bed, laying his head down on Michael's chest.

"Luke.." He whispered, struggling to move his hand to Luke's back.

"He- Lay down.." Michael whispered, and the nurse helped move Michael over to make room for Luke.

Luke laid on Michael shoulder, letting his tears soak into Michael's shirt.

"I love you." Luke told him, holding his hand just a little too tight but neither of them cared.

"I love you, too." Michael said slowly.

Calum, Ashton, Karen, John, Matt, and a few other people were all in the room, watching in silence.

"I th-thought.. You were late so I thought you just weren't coming home again. I didn't want this to happen." Luke cried.

"I- I worked late, but you said you wanted to have dinner, so I was on my way home." He said, and Luke held onto him.

"Luke, I- baby I love you, you know that?" Michael said, his voice weak.

Luke saw a nurse rush over to the machine.

"Y-Yeah." Luke whimpered.

"Good." Michael whispered, kissing Luke's forehead.

The heart monitor drastically slowed down, and Luke sat up, now fully aware of Michaels current condition.

"Are you gonna die?" Luke asked, tears spilling from his eyes at a rapid pace.

"I don't know." Michael whispered.

"You're talking, you're doing okay. You seem fine." Luke panicked, and looked over at the nurse.

"He has severe internal bleeding and we have done all we can to try and help it. If the heart rate gets any slower we're going to have to ask you to leave." She said and Luke fell onto Michaels chest.

"You can't die. Michael, I wanna marry you. We have so much ahead of us. We're gonna have kids and we're gonna have a family. We're gonna buy another house and- and- we were supposed to be forever." Luke cried, and Michael held him as tight as he could but he couldn't feel his arms all that well.

"A-Ashton my backpack. Front pocket." Michael whispered, pointing to the bag he takes every day to work. 

Ashton handed him the little box, and Luke wiped his eyes.

"I was working late all the time to buy you this. Baby, I want to marry you." Michael said, showing Luke the ring.

"Tell me you'll be mine forever, Luke." Michael said with his eyes tearing up, and Luke nodded.

Everyone was smiling, tears falling as Luke and Michael held each other. Nobody had a dry eye, not even the nurse.

As the monitor slowed down, Luke felt his heart drop.

"Michael.." Luke whispered, seeing his eyes droop a little more.

"Michael you can't leave me. You always promised you wouldn't. I don't know how I'm supposed to live without you. I never thought I would have to.." Luke cried as ashton had to pull Luke off.

"Michael don't go!" Luke sobbed as Michael was rushed away.

Luke chased after and made the nurses stop. Luke kissed Michaels lips one last time before he was taken into another wing of the hospital.


Luke felt his eyes close as he leaned his head down. It was the 36th consecutive hour he had spent at the hospital and he had only heard little news about Michaels condition. They had to shock him a few times to wake his heart back up and they were really fighting.

"Mr. Hemmings?" He heard, so he looked up, seeing a doctor.

"Michael is doing fine. He's awake, the bleeding has stopped, but he's on strong medication to help with clotting. He's going to have to stay here for a few days obviously, but as soon as he woke up, he asked for you." He said, and Luke smiled, standing up.

He quickly followed the doctor to the room and fell to his knees once he saw Michael sitting up, watching tv.

"Luke.." Michael whispered with a hoarse voice.

Luke cried into his hands. He was scared to death that he had lost Michael.

Luke stood up and ran over to Michael, hugging him, careful not to hurt him.

"The day I first told you I love you, I promised you that you would never be by yourself again and as soon as I get out of here I'm gonna marry you."

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