The guys sat the dinner table, waiting for Luke to arrive. He was supposed to be bringing the guy he's been with. They've been dating for about a month, but the guys had never met him.
"How did Luke get a boyfriend? He's great, but he never talks to anyone." Calum said, and we all shrugged. "It's a mystery how he got a date before us, but I'm happy for him." Michael said, and the other guys laughed.
About five minutes later, Luke walked in, holding hands with a tall, tan, muscular guy. Luke was tall, but he looked so small compared to this guy. He was a few inches taller than Luke, which made the blonde boy look like a noodle next to him.
"Hi guys." Luke said quietly, sitting at the dinner table with us. "This is Leo." Luke introduced him, and the guy smiled. "Nice to meet you guys, finally."
"You too, man. Luke, we made your favorite. Spaghetti pizza." Michael said, bringing that out, along with a salad bowl.
"What's spaghetti pizza?" Leo asked.
"It's baked spaghetti with cheese and pepperonis on the top." Luke said, and smiled.
"'Pepperonis' isn't a word, and do you really think you should be eating that? You're getting a little on the heavy side." Leo said, taking everyone by surprise.
"I guess you're right." Luke said, and grabbed a salad, not using any dressing. "That's it, babe. I know how you like to stay skinny." He said, and Luke lightly smiled.
The guys all thought it was weird but didn't mention it. They noticed that Luke was actually loosing weight. He wasn't heavy at all.
"That's a nice shirt, Luke." Ashton said, noticing Luke's new Moon Taxi shirt.
"Thank you. I got it a few weeks ago." Luke said, and Leo scoffed. "Cool band, but it's really not your color. Bright colors make your shoulders look bigger than they already are."
"I know. I should've got the black one." Luke said, looking down at his shirt.
Michael was extremely pissed at this point, but decided not to ruin this, and just talk to Luke later. He noticed Ashton glance at him occasionally, worried he was gonna do something.
"Can you pour me some water?" Luke asked Michael, and Michael nodded, taking Luke's cup, and pouring water into it.
"Could you really not do that for yourself?" Leo asked, and Luke looked up at him as if he were in trouble. "He was closer, I just figured h-"
"Forget it, it's just that you're acting like a child." Leo said, and Michael cleared his throat.
"So, Leo, Luke said you like to surf?" Calum asked, and Leo nodded, not saying anything after that. "Cool.." Calum said, and awkwardly glanced at Ashton.
Michael looked over at Luke, and saw he looked a little uncomfortable. "So, how are you two? Like, relationship wise?" Michael asked.
"We're good. I like him a lot." Luke said, and smiled, taking Leo's hand. "We're fine, but it's just going slow, you know? I'm gonna be 80 before Luke puts out." Leo scoffed.
Michael looked over at Luke, and saw the hurt look that covered the blonde boys face.
"Well, I gotta run. I'm picking you up at six tomorrow. At least try to look presentable this time. Makeup might help." Leo said before standing up, letting himself out.
"Is this a joke? Are we being pranked?" Ashton asked after a short silence.
"I-I think I'm gonna go to bed." Luke said before quickly standing up, leaving the room.
Michael stood up, and followed him.
His heart broke when he saw Luke sitting on the edge of the bed, sobbing into his hands.
"What are you doing with him?" Michael asked, and sat beside Luke.
"I don't know. I've never had a boyfriend, and I just wanted to feel loved." Luke cried, laying his head on Michael's shoulder.
"You're never gonna feel loved as long as you're with that jackass. It made me so mad to listen to him sit there and tell you you're no good." Michael said, holding Luke close.
Luke still cried, and Michael still sat there with him, letting the boy he loves break on him.
He kissed Luke's chin, and placed their foreheads together. Michael held both sides of Luke's face, frowning at how Luke's blue eyes were so dull.
"You're are beautiful." Michael whispered, and Luke sniffled. "I am?" He asked softly.
"Everything about you is beautiful. You look beautiful in the color blue. Your weight is beautiful. The way you're saving yourself for the right person is beautiful. And no matter what he says, you do not need makeup to look pretty. It made me so mad to sit there and listen to him insult you. You shouldn't feel insecure. You are so, so beautiful." Michael whispered, and Luke leaned up, pressing their lips together.
He quickly pulled back, realizing what he had done. "Michael I'm so sorry. I didn't m-"
Michael cut him off by quickly pulling him onto his lap, kissing him so passionately. Luke held Michael's face, never wanting him to pull back.
"I love you" Luke whispered once their lips separated.
"I love you so much more." Michael told him.