"Luke, pay attention!" The teacher snapped, causing the blonde boy to look up, his leg shaking as it bounced up and down.
Michael sighed, sitting back in his seat. The teacher always got pissed at Luke, and it annoyed Michael. His best friend never deserved to be called out like that.
He nudged Luke every time he would start to drift away into his own world, but it only helped to keep Luke focused a little.
Luke had ADHD, was a slow reader, and couldn't really comprehend numbers and equations very well. He was having a lot of trouble trying to understand, but his mind wouldn't let him focus.
"Luke, I know you can't understand what I'm teaching, but don't distract the people who can." The teacher snapped after noticing Luke repeatedly tapping on his desk.
"I- I- "
"By the time you get your sentence out, the class is gonna be over." She said, and the whole class laughed, causing Luke's face to turn red as he looked down at his lap.
Michael looked over at Luke and saw tears falling from his eyes to his lap. He watched as the blonde boy got up, and walked out of the room, taking the bathroom pass on the way.
"Mrs. Lane, can I talk to you privately?" Michael asked, and she looked over at him.
"No." She said, continuing her PowerPoint.
"Fine, I'll just say it out here then. The way you are treating Luke is awful. You're constantly calling him out, and making fun of him. It's not his fault he can't comprehend stuff like other people, but it's your job as a teacher to make sure that Luke gets a proper education." Michael said, and she sighed.
"Look, I applied for a job as a high school teacher. I'm not here to teach children," she said, and Michael stood up, putting his back pack on.
"He's hot a child. He's so much more than that, but how would you know? You won't even take the time out of your day to get to know him. Luke is incredibly smart. You're just not smart enough to know how to teach him." Michael said, walking out of her class room.
He walked into the boys bathroom, and opened one of the stalls, seeing Luke sobbing into his knees.
Michael sat beside him, and wrapped an arm around his shoulder.
"Don't cry, baby."
"Mikey, she- the whole class laughed.." He cried, laying on Michaels shoulder.
"Don't worry, we won't be back in that class again," Michael said, and Luke looked up, his bottom lip quivering, and his big blue eyes threatening to cry again.
"I want to be smart like you." He whispered, so Michael ran a hand through the back of Luke's hair.
"You are smart. You are so smart. The way you learn is just a little bit different, but that's what makes you special." Michael told him.
"I don't want to be special. I take special Ed classes. I want to be like everyone else." Luke said softly, wiping his eyes.
"I never want to hear you say that again. You are perfect the way you are and that is so beautiful." Michael told him, standing up.
Luke stood up beside him, and led him out of the bathroom, into the back stairwell.
"Luke you are so beautiful to me, and I don't like it when you're insecure because you are perfect." He said, pressing Luke's back against the wall.
"I'm perfect?" Luke whispered, and Michael nodded, pressing their foreheads together.
"Absolutely perfect." Michael whispered.
They could both feel the space between them getting smaller, and Luke could feel Michaels heart beating against his chest.
"Michael, I love you." Luke whispered, placing his hand on the back of Michaels neck.
"I love you." Michael whispered before pressing his lips to Luke's.
Luke grabbed Michaels other hand, and guided it down to the arch in his back, pressing his body closer to Michael.
"God, you're so beautiful," Michael whispered, breaking their kiss.