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"Damnit, Luke!" Michael yelled as Luke shot another three pointer.

Luke laughed, and tossed Michael the ball.

Luke shook his hair out, feeling sweat fly off of his head.

"I told you, im not letting you win today." Luke laughed, and Michael rolled his eyes.

Luke guarded as best as he could as Michael dribbled towards the net.

Michael turned, quickly moving around Luke, and as they both jumped, Luke could feel Michaels elbow collide with his cheek.

"Sh- I'm sorry, Luke-"

"So we're playing like that now?" Luke joked, knowing Michael didn't do it on purpose.

Luke stole the ball back and air balled it into his net. "Try me, Clifford."

Michael smiled and ran after Luke. The blonde boy turned around quickly, completely catching Michael off guard. Both of their smiles faded as they looked at each other, Michaels hands holding onto Luke's waist.

Their faces were inches apart and neither of them made any effort to move.

"Um..we should...we should probably start heading home. Ashton is cooking a-and-"

"Yeah." Michael said, interrupting Luke.

They slowly moved away from each other and Luke broke the eye contact when he bent down to pick up the basketball.

Michael followed Luke to the car, and quickly got in the driver seat.

"I'm not gonna act like that just didn't happen. I'm sorry for m-"

He was cut off when Luke pressed his lips onto the older boys, holding onto his neck.

Michael relaxed, kissing Luke back quickly.

They could taste the salt on each others skin and the air around them was so hot, but neither of them cared.

Michael held onto Luke's face, kissing him harder.

Luke pulled away, and Michael smiled.

He watched as Luke smiled so big, showing off his perfect teeth.

"Let's not tell Ashton and Calum about this yet, okay?" Luke said, and Michael nodded. He loves the idea of sneaking around with Luke. It was sexy.

"Agreed. My room. 1:30 a.m."


Luke held onto Michaels hand as he drove, occasionally looking over at him.

"Were more than just friends with benefits, right?" Luke asked, and Michael looked over at him.

"Yeah I l- only if you want to." Michael said, and Luke nodded.

"We're almost boyfriends who make out a lot? Is that a sufficient title? We will be for real boyfriends after I take you on some dates." Michael asked, and Luke grinned, nodding.

They pulled into the driveway and Luke looked over at Michael.

"You better be good at acting if we don't want them to know." Michael told him, and winked.

"Ew, Michael get your nasty hand off of me." Luke said in a disgusted voice before he winked.

"Doing great, babe."

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