Tonight, I was the designated driver, so that meant I couldn't drink, but I could still make my way around all of the sweaty drunk people.
I lost Luke after his third shot, and he ran off with some girls he met.
I felt a tug on my arm, and I turned to see Luke.
I smiled, but there was a guy behind him. He ran his hand down Luke's arm.
"Hey, beautiful." He whispered, and Luke turned to him. I got a little mad, but I'm not one to fight unless I have to.
"Hello." Luke said drunkenly.
"What do you say we get out of here?" He asked, and Luke shook his head.
"No. My boyfriends right here, silly.." He said, and giggled, falling onto my chest.
I laughed, and held him close. He leaned up, and pecked my neck.
"Luke I think you've had enough to drink." I laughed, and ran a hand through his hair.
"You're right. Come dance with me." He said, and pulled me into the crowd of people grinding.
He found the group of girls he was hanging out with, and brought me to the middle of them.
He turned to me, and started roughly kissing me as a bunch of girls grinded on us.
He pulled away, and turned, placing his bum on my crotch, and moving on me.
"Luke, you're drunk out of your mind.." I said, laughing at the usually innocent and modest boy. He would never do anything like this. He barely talks, even to me, but on nights like this, he was so giggly and bubbly.
"Michael, you make me feel so good.." He whispered, and reached behind me, running his hand up my neck. I smirked, and leaned down, kissing his cheek.
"I wanna go home and cuddle." He told me, and turned around, touching his nose to mine. "I want you to play with my hair and tell me I'm pretty even though I look like a drunk mess.."
I smiled at him, and held his hand, leading him out of the club.
Once we got in the car, he buckled into the passenger seat, and laid back.
"Will you take care of me when we get home?" He asked, so I looked over at him as I pulled out of the parking lot. "What are you talking about?" I asked, and he shrugged.
"When I'm sick or something you- you always carry me to our bedroom, and help me change, and wash my face, and then you rub my back, and it's really nice. Sometimes you kiss my neck until I go to sleep because it's really relaxing. You make me feel special." He slurred, and closed his eyes.
"Of course I will."