Song Writing

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"Okay, what about this?" Luke asked, looking at his best friend Michael before playing a rhythm on his guitar.

"B minor...G...and?" Michael asked, writing the chords down. "Uh, D." Luke answered, before lightly playing it. Michael nodded, writing on the paper quickly.

Michael looked up as a breeze hit him. He looked out at the ocean from the bed of his pick up truck, and then looked over at Luke who was sitting in a sea of blankets.

Him and Luke always go different places when they want to write, and they just decided to go to a secluded area of the beach.

"I wanna take a break." Michael said, taking Luke's guitar and putting it inside of the truck along with his.

When he looked back, Luke was laying his head on the top of the tailgate, looking out at the ocean. Something about him looked really pretty to Michael.

Michael reached through the back window, and plugged in his phone, playing one direction softly as he handed Luke a beer.

"Thanks." Luke mumbled, taking a sip of his the same time Michael did.

As they sat there, the sun looked like it wanted to disappear, and finally set, but it couldn't. It's just stayed in the same spot, casting a yellowish glow off of their faces until a cloud covered it.

"We should probably go. I think it's gonna rain soon." Luke said, and Michael shrugged.

"I just wanna stay. I really like it out here." Michael said, and Luke nodded, taking another sip.

They got through two beers, and a few songs before they were both about ready to go. Neither of them wanted to write anymore, and just sitting gets boring after a while.

Michael found himself tracing shapes on Luke's van halen shirt as they sat in silence.

"Hey, Luke? Have you ever kissed anyone?" Michael asked, and Luke laughed, and looked down.

"Of course. I had a girlfriend back in high school, and I always have those awkward kisses with fans when they turn their head, and you know..." Luke said, scratching his arm.

"No. Like, a real, real kiss?" Michael asked, and sat up.

Luke blushed and shook his head. He looked back at the water, and could feel his cheeks burning.

"I- I've never found anyone who I- my- Michael, I like boys." Luke said softly, looking down at his knees. He felt his eyes tearing up as he said it and he didn't know why.

"Luke..." Michael whispered, sitting up. "...don't you dare cry. You should be happy. You're okay."

Luke lightly smiled, and looked back at Michael.

"I've never told anyone." Luke shrugged, and wiped his eyes.

"I have something I've never told anyone." Michael said, wrapping an arm around Luke's shoulder.

"What?" Luke asked, and smiled a little.

"I think you're really pretty." Michael said, and looked down to see brightness filling Luke's eyes. He blushed and looked away.

"Kiss me." Michael said softly, so Luke snapped his head over.

"What? Michael, we-"

"I triple dog dare you to kiss me." He said, and Luke laughed a little before placing his hand on Michael's neck, allowing Michael to hold his waist.

"What are we doing? You're my best friend.." Luke laughed, a few inches away from Michael's lips.

"We're just having fun for now." Michael said, making Luke smile a little.

"We're not drunk. I can't say we were drunk if I need an excuse later." He said, making Michael laugh before he pressed their lips together.

Luke immediately relaxed. He liked this. He liked it a lot.

He grabbed at Michael's hair as they deepened their kiss. He felt Michael's hand grab the back of his neck, tilting his head to one side. Soft little kisses were placed on Luke's lower jaw, as Michael held onto him tightly.

"There's something else I've never told you..." Luke whispered, pulling Michael back up so their foreheads were pressed against each others. All that you could hear was the ocean and their shaky breath. They both wanted this, but they were both scared.

"What is it?" Michael asked, and Luke looked down at Michael's lips again before looking up to meet his eyes.

"I have a super gay crush on you.." He smirked, making Michael smile before pressing their lips together again, Luke's body against the back windows.

Nobody had to know that they made out until three a.m. and nobody had to know that one little song about outer space was actually about Luke and how he never fails to brighten up Michael's darkest nights.

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