Michael sighed as he looked out at what was in front of him.
"I'm sorry I got you into this." Luke whispered.
Michael looked over and sighed again. Luke was sat a few feet away from him.
Luke wanted to go for a walk, and he swore he knew where he was going, but after two hours of walking he figured out that he had gotten him and Michael lost. Didn't help that they were in North Carolina and he didn't know his way around.
Both of them were too exhausted to walk back following a map on their phones, so they called Ashton but he wouldn't be here for two hours, so they would have to wait.
It was 10:42 pm, and they were just sitting by a pond in a park.
Luke wanted to scoot over and make Michael hold him, but he's done enough. Michael probably didn't want to.
Luke also hated himself for not bringing a jacket, but he wasn't about to ask for Michaels.
He brought his knees up to his chest and crossed his arms in front of him.
He looked at his phone and it was 38 degrees Fahrenheit outside and all he had was a short sleeve shirt because earlier it was 60.
"Michael I'm cold." He said softly, and Michael rolled his eyes.
"You wouldn't be if you hadn't have gotten us lost." Michael spat, and looked over at Luke.
The blonde boy just looked back down, hugging his arms around his body.
"Sorry.." he whispered, and scooted a little further away. "..how long until Ashton gets here?"
"An hour and a half, Luke." Michael sighed angrily. He didn't mean to sound so mean, but he was just irritated.
"Can you hold me? I'm cold and I'm really tired." Luke whimpered.
Luke watched as Michael pulled off his hoodie and threw it at Luke. "You know, you always get us into situations like this and I'm really tired of it. If you weren't so dumb we wouldn't be lost but you always think you know it all, and you don't!" Michael snapped, making Luke's eyes involuntarily fill with tears.
"It could be worse, Michael. You could be stuck out here by yourself.."
"First of all, I wouldn't even be out here if it wasn't for you. Second, id much rather be out here alone."
He gently threw Michael's jacket back over to him, and scooted away further.
Michael mentally slapped himself as he looked over at Luke who was at least forty feet away from him now. The younger boys head fell into his knees and his body shook violently.
He hated himself for talking to Luke like that.
He stood up and walked over to where Luke was, kneeling down in front of him.
"Luke, I'm sorry." Michael whispered, but Luke didn't look up. He kept his knees pulled up to his chest.
Michael wrapped his jacket around Luke's freezing arms, kissing the top of his head.
"Look at me, Luke." Michael said and Luke looked up, tears still falling from his red eyes.
"I was wrong to say that. You do not deserve to be spoken to like that. I know you didn't intend on getting us lost, it was just an accident. I have no right to be angry with you. I am sorry, Luke for not respecting you like I should." He said and Luke lightly smiled, wiping his eyes.
Michael sat down beside him, pulling Luke's body into his lap. He wrapped his arms tightly around Luke, holding him close.
"Go to sleep. You're tired. Ashton should be here soon anyway." Michael told him, kissing his head again.
"I love you, Michael." Luke whispered even though he was still a little upset.
"I love you too, even when I say things like that."