"Alright, now tell me what 6+5 equals." Luke said, helping his son with his math homework.
"Seven...eight..n...t..eleven!" Carter said, and Luke smiled as he wrote it down.
"Guess what I just bought!" Michael yelled from the living room.
"What?" Luke yelled back.
"A new video game!" Michael yelled and Luke sighed knowing that caught the attention of Carter.
"Which one?!" The little boy yelled as he ran to the living room.
"Carter, get back in the kitchen and finish your homework." Luke said, standing in the doorway of the living room.
"B-But dad, can we just take a break? I wanna play." He whined, and Luke sighed.
"You already took a break. You need to do your homework." Luke said, and both him and Michael looked over.
"Just five minutes?" Carter asked, and Luke laughed. "No. It'll only take you five minutes if you get in here and do it." Luke told him.
Carter's face showed a look of annoyance as he went back into the kitchen.
"I hope you're happy. You don't care about my happiness.." Carter mumbled.
"You know that's not true, but I am not going to be a part of your pity party. Just do your work, and then you can go play," Luke said as he stood up to go do the dishes.
"Done." Carter spat about four minutes later, going back to the living room.
Luke check his work before putting it back in the blue folder.
He walked into the living room where Michael and Carter were playing seven days to die. He lightly smiled, and sat beside Michael, snuggling into his side.
"How come you always get to be the cool dad? He doesn't like hanging out with me like he does with you." Luke said softly, watching the screen.
"Be quiet. You're a cool dad, isn't that right, Carter?" Michael asked and the brown headed boy shook his head quickly.
Luke sighed and felt Michael's hand run up and down his arm.
"What?! He is too a cool dad!" Michael said, and paused the game.
"No he isn't. He's just... dad.." Carter said as he turned to them, and Luke felt his heart drop.
"I think I'm gonna go get in the shower-"
"What does that mean?" Michael asked, not letting Luke leave the room. He knows that what Carter said hurt Luke's feelings a lot.
"Dad wakes me up in the morning and cooks for me. He takes me shopping, and he buys me toys sometimes. He lets me in your room when it's storming, and he tells me a lot of stories about you. He cuddles me, and walks me to school. He's not a cool dad because he tells jokes that aren't even funny. He laughs anyway, which makes me laugh. He's just dad. Being just dad isn't a bad thing." Carter said, making a huge smile come across Luke's face as he hugged Carter tightly.
He let a tear soak into Carter's shirt as Michael joined their hug.
"I love you both, even when you make me do dumb homework."