Consequences of Being Cliché

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Thank you so much StaceyStonier for this adorable idea

"Michael, follow me!" Luke giggled as he ran over to the couch, trying to pull Michael up by his wrist.

"No..." Michael whined, causing Luke to pout.

"Please. I wanna feel like a princess and kiss you in the rain. Please, it'll be fun." He said, pulling harder on Michael's hand, but he just wasn't strong enough.

"Luke, you are twenty years old, you're growing a beard, and you always wear the color black. You can't be a princess." Michael said softly.

"Can too." Luke said, pouting his lips again.

"Fine, what if you're a princess who likes to sit by the fire instead of going out and getting sick because it's 40° f outside?" He asked, and Luke shook his head, so Michael stood up, and grabbed his hand.

"This better be worth it, Luke." Michael laughed, as he ran out into the freezing, pouring rain with Luke.

Luke smiled as he turned around quickly in Michael's arms, getting closer.

"You look really pretty." Michael whispered, pushing Luke's hair back before pressing their lips together. Luke gripped onto Michael's hair and smiled into the kiss, causing Michael to pull away.

"Okay, if you're gonna pull me out in the freezing cold rain just to kiss you, you can't keep smiling." Michael laughed, causing Luke to smile once again.

"Sorry, I'm just really happy." Luke whispered before kissing Michael, feeling his heart beat a little faster.


"Michael?" Luke asked as he sat up in the bed.

He felt awful. His head was stopped up, and he couldn't breath out of his nose at all.

"I know, baby. I put NyQuil on the side table." Michael mumbled.

Luke looked over and saw him facing away, holding a pillow to his chest. There was a half empty tissue box sitting beside him and Luke could tell Michael was sick too.

"I'm sorry." Luke said softly.

"For what?" Michael asked, and turned around.

"I got us sick. You told me we would get sick but I didn't listen. Im stupid." Luke said softly, a little angry with himself.

"Baby, don't say that. You're not stupid. You're spontaneous and adorable, and I love it. Just consider this the consequences of being cliché. We'll survive." Michael said, sitting up to get Luke's medicine off of the table.

"Michael I don't want it.." Luke said, looking at the wired blue color in the little cup.

"Too bad." Michael said, pulling Luke onto his lap.

"Count to ten?" Luke asked, wanting all of the time he can get before he has to drink the disgusting liquid.

"I will count to three." Michael said, and Luke pouted because he sounded just like a mom.

He leaned his head back on Michael's shoulder, and sighed.

"One..." Michael said, easing it up to Luke's mouth.

"Two..." A look of both terror and disgust covered Luke's face.

"Three.." Michael poured the medicine down Luke's throat, earning a disgusted whine to leave Luke's throat as he got up off of Michael's lap to run to the kitchen for a drink.

"I hate you!" Luke yelled as he ran down the hall.

"You're the one who wanted to kiss in the rain, Princess!" Michael yelled, and smiled, laying back down.

Luke is too adorable.

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