Thank you luketalksboys for this idea
Luke lightly smiled at Michael from across the room, and quickly looked back down at his phone, scrolling through Twitter.
He scrolled back to the top and frowned at what he saw, but he laughed realizing Michael was probably only kidding.
Michael5SOS: gee sharing a room with the most annoying person ever is always a blast (:
"Hey Michael? You wanna play Xbox when we get back tonight? I got the new-"
"No, Luke." Michael sighed.
"Cmon, please. I've been-"
"No." Michael muttered, walking out of the room.
This was probably Luke's worst concert yet. Michael kept throwing him glares and saying sassy things into the microphone at him, even sarcastically making fun of the way he sang once.
They ran off of the stage and sat their guitars down, quickly running back to the dressing room to change.
They all took quick showers and when Luke got out he saw Michael sitting on the couch.
He smiled and ran over to Michael.
"You did great tonight Michael." Luke told him, laying his head on Michael's shoulder. He tried snuggling closer, by Michael only pushed him away.
They always cuddle after the shows. Luke doesn't understand why all of a sudden Michael doesn't talk to him anymore.
When all the guys were ready to go, Luke followed them outside to a black suv.
"This is gonna be so cool. I can't believe we're going to a Knicks game!" Calum said, and Luke's eyes widened while a smile he couldn't contain spread across his face.
"No way! We're going to a Knicks game? They're my favorite team! I've always wanted to g-"
"We're going. We only have three tickets." Michael said, and Luke's face fell. He felt his heart drop, and he wanted to cry but there was no reason to.
"Oh- yeah I can't anyway. I forgot, I'm meeting up with someone. An old friend. I'll see you guys later.." Luke said, and waved as they got into the car.
All of a sudden Michael was avoiding Luke and wherever Michael went, the other guys went so Luke was kind of on his own recently.
"Can I get a ride back to the hotel?" Luke asked the tour manager.
Luke ran up to his and Michael's room and quickly turned on the Knicks game just so he wouldn't miss anything.
He sat on Michael's bed, his legs criss crossed as he watched the basketball game. He wanted nothing more than to go with the guys, but it didn't really matter.
He was fine with sitting in a lonely hotel room by himself. What's the fun in going out and experiencing it first hand, right? He just wishes Michael was here with him. That's all he wants.
He reached behind him, and pulled over Michael's black fuzzy blanket along with the older boys stuffed lion, holding it to his chest with the blanket draped over his shoulders.
He laid down on Michael's pillow, and lightly smiled. He breathed in Michael's scent, and for the first time in a while, he felt close to Michael even though he wasn't even there.
Michael stepped into the dark room that was only lit by the tv light.
He lightly smiled when he saw Luke laying in his bed with his stuffed lion pulled into his chest. Luke was too cute, but Michael could never tell him that.
He picked Luke up, carrying him over to his own bed, laying him down gently. He wanted to let Luke just sleep in his bed tonight as he held him so close, but that just couldn't happen.
He hated the way he's been treating Luke recently, but he just can't help it. He can't let Luke know that he loves him.