Thank you niallscutesmile for the cute idea
"Mikey!" Luke squealed as he looked outside the big window.
"What?" Michael laughed, hugging Luke's waist.
"It's snowing!" Luke laughed, and pulled on Michael's hand, leading him up the stairs.
"Ooh, are we gonna have snow day sex?" Michael asked eagerly, and Luke rolled his eyes at his boyfriend.
"No, we're gonna go outside and play in it, duh." Luke said, causing Michael to laugh at him.
"You're adorable." Michael whispered, and kissed Luke's forehead as they zipped up their jackets.
Michael smiled as Luke ran down the stairs, and opened the back door, running out into the snow.
"Luke wait!" Michael called, and Luke turned as Michael shut the door.
Michael placed a beanie on Luke's head, covering his ears to make sure he stays as warm as possible.
"Thank you." Luke whispered, kissing Michael's nose.
After about an hour of chasing Luke around, building things out of snow, and finding ways to sneak snow down each others shirts, it was dark, and they were both freezing.
Once they got inside, Michael helped Luke take off his wet jacket. "Why don't you go take a quick shower to warm you up a bit while I get a fire going?" Michael said, and Luke nodded, running up the stairs.
Michael smiled, and walked over to the fire place, getting one started fairly quickly. He let it build as he walked upstairs, changing into dry clothes.
He walked back downstairs and made two cups of hot chocolate for the both of them.
He walked into the living room, and sat them on the table, smiling as Luke walked in with a blanket wrapped around him, his damp hair clinging to his forehead.
Michael sat on the floor, and patted his leg. Luke smiled, and sat down on Michael's lap, his legs extending out over Michael's leg.
He laid on Michael shoulder and smiled as he felt a hand running up and down his back.
"I had a lot of fun today." Luke whispered, and Michael smiled down at him.
"I did too. I always have fun with you." Michael said, kissing Luke's forehead.
Michael's arms wrapped around Luke, holding him close.
"I could fall asleep right here in your arms." Luke whispered, feeling his eyes get heavy.
"Nobody's stopping you." Michael mumbled, so Luke let out a little laugh before sitting up.
"I'm getting your shirt wet with my hair." He giggled, rubbing Michael's shoulder.
"Don't worry about it. Go to sleep, baby." Michael whispered.
"You sure?" Luke asked.
"Of course. I'll carry you up later." Michael said so Luke smiled, laying back down on his shoulder.
"I love you, Mikey." Luke sighed in content.
"I love you too, Lukey."