I looked over as Luke walked in the door from work.
"I've had the worst day ever. Please hold me." He whispered, and began walking over to me.
"Who's Cameron?" I asked, handing him his phone. "He called you three times, and kept texting you wondering where you are. Plus he used a winky face when he said 'I'm bringing coffee'. Why is he buying you coffee?!" I asked, and he looked up at me.
"I was wondering where my phone was, but he's just a friend from work." He said, and I rolled my eyes. "Whatever.." I spat, and Luke sighed.
"Michael don't be mad. I promise nothing's going on." He mumbled.
He sat down, and pulled out all the work he hadn't finished, quietly writing while he listened to me.
"How am I supposed to believe that?!" I asked, and he frowned at his papers.
"Maybe because I've been your boyfriend for a year, and you're supposed to trust me." He said sarcastically.
"Maybe I'm supposed to trust you, but that doesn't mean I do." I said even though I didn't mean it. Why would I say that?
"Whatever Michael, that's your choice. Maybe I am sneaking around with Cameron, and maybe I am cheating on you, or maybe I'm not. Maybe, just maybe, I value this relationship too much to just let it go. You can pick which one you believe because you're not gonna listen to a thing I say." He said, and kept writing.
"Michael just stop. My day has already been bad at work, and coming home to this was the last thing I needed. Don't say anything else." He said, and looked up at me.
His eyes were brimmed red, and he had dark circles under them. He was exhausted and I could tell. I didn't have to make him cry.
"Luke, ba-"
"How could you even think I would ever cheat on you?! That's like a huge slap in the face, Michael! Do you really think of me like that?!" He yelled, and stood up.
"Luke just-"
"Then you say you don't trust me?! I've done nothing to make you doubt me!" He yelled.
"Luke, it was wrong of me to say that. I knew it was wrong even when I was saying it. You're so good to me, and that's why I get so scared when stuff like that pops up on your phone." I said, and stepped closer to him.
He crossed his arms angrily and I wiped the tears from under his eyes.
"Still love me?" I asked, and cracked a smile. He sighed, and nodded. "Of course I do." He whispered.