Sick Michael

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thank you StaceyStonier for this idea

Luke sighed as he walked into their bed room. He leaned on the door frame, and pouted as he saw Michael laying there, looking miserable.

"You know, it's not that I feel sick, but I'm miserable because you won't kiss me." Michael mumbled, sitting up to look at Luke.

"I can't get sick." Luke said, and laughed.

"I know but I've spent three days without you sleeping beside me, and it sucks." Michael sighed, and Luke lightly smiled.

"Fine, how about you walk downstairs with me to take your medicine, and I might let you hold my hand." Luke said, so Michael quickly stood up, walking over to Luke.

Luke took Michael's cold hand in his, tangling their fingers together as they walked downstairs.

Michael hopped up on the counter and watched as Luke poured out the pills along with a cup of water.

"You look really sexy when you're taking care of me." Michael said, causing Luke to smile a little.

"Shut up." He laughed, walking over, handing Michael his pills.


"Luke!" Michael yelled from the living room.

Luke ran in, worried as to why Michael would yell. He was holding his head in his hands, hunched over in pain.

"Get me the painkillers." Michael winced, but Luke shook his head. "You already took pills. You can't take any more for 2 hours." Luke said, and Michael groaned, his head was killing him.

"I don't care, just get them!" Michael yelled.

"No, and I know you're sick, but you can't talk to me like that." Luke warned. "Tell me how I can help you." Luke said, sitting beside Michael.

"I already told you, but you're to stubborn to listen, so now you can just leave me the hell alone." Michael spat.

"Michael, I'm only trying to help you." Luke whispered, and it was silent for a minute before he sighed. "Fine." He whispered, standing up, but Michael grabbed his hand, making him sit back down.

Once Michael laid down with his head on Luke's lap, the blond smiled, looking down at him.

"I'm sorry, Luke. I just feel awful, and I know that gives me no reason to yell at you b-"

"Michael, it's okay." Luke whispered, running his hand through Michael's hair. "I just want you to get better. I miss the way you kiss me." Luke said softly, causing Michael to smile also.

He scooted closer, snuggling his nose into Luke's stomach. Luke reclined the couch and watched TV as Michael slowly fell asleep to the feeling of Luke's small hand running through his hair.

muke one-shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora