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for luketalksboys


Luke frowned as he looked at his phone seeing the tweet Michael sent Calum for his birthday. It was four pictures of them and the caption was talking about how affectionate he is towards the younger boy.

Luke wants to feel that.

Luke and Michael have always had a 'thing'. They never call each other boyfriends, or really show any sort of PDA. It's mostly just a "let's make out because we're both lonely" once a month or so.

Other than that, Michael mostly ignored Luke. They never really talked like good friends should. Sometimes they got attitude with each other, and other times they just don't even look at the other.

Luke looked over at the other couch and saw Calum with his head laying on Michaels lap.

The blonde boy stood up, and walked over to the two, pulling Calum up.

"Luke what the h-"

"Shut up. You always get to sit by Michael. I never do. It's my turn." Luke whined, still trying to pull Calum off of Michael.

"No, go away." Calum groaned.

"Get off of him! He never holds me!" Luke whined, and Michael laughed as Calum sat up.

"Whatever, Luke. I'm going to go to bed anyway." The kiwi boy said, and walked towards the stairs.

Luke smiled and sat beside Michael, snuggling into Michaels shoulder when the older boy wrapped an arm around him.

"What's up with you?" Michael asked, and Luke shrugged.

"You always pay attention to Calum. I feel like we never talk anymore." Luke said quietly.

It was silent for a little before Luke decided to speak up again.

"Just wandering, you like me more than you like him, right?"

Michael laughed, and leaned his head against Luke's.

"You're cute and I want more with you. Calum is just my best friend." Michael whispered, and Luke smiled.

"You want more with me?" Luke asked and blushed.

"Yeah..." Michael whispered, kissing Luke's lips, but the younger boy pulled away.

"What do you mean though?" Luke asked, hoping Michael would want him more than just once every few months.

"I want this. Everyday, Luke. I want to hold you and I want to be able to kiss you whenever I want." Michael said, making Luke smile.

"What are you saying?" Luke giggled, crawling onto Michaels lap.

"I want you to be mine." Michael whispered, looking up at Luke.

Neither of them could make it through one kiss without their teeth clashing because they were smiling so much.

Especially Luke.

This is all he's ever wanted.

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