Michael angrily stood up as he heard the door close. He stormed to the front door, and saw Luke taking off his jacket.
"What the hell is this?" Michael asked, showing Luke the picture on his phone. It was posted on twitter and he was pissed.
Luke looked down at the picture of him holding his friends hand whispering something in her ear. "Michael-"
"You're mine." Michael growled, and Luke rolled his eyes.
"You say I'm yours but you still haven't even asked me out. Okay Michael." He said, and started to walk past but Michael pulled him back.
"You can't like her, Luke." He said softer, and Luke sighed.
"I don't like her that much. I just wanted to help her through the crowd, but she's so nice to me." Luke said softly, and looked up at Michael.
"Luke, you just- you just can't like her.." Michael said, and calmed down a little.
"But nothing." Michael said, and Luke nodded softly, putting his head down as he walked away.
He watched as Luke walked into his room, shutting the door behind him.
"What was that about?" Ashton asked, walking from his own room.
"Luke is hanging out with some stupid girl and he can't. He's mine." Michael said, crossing his arms.
"Stop being so possessive. Michael, what did you say to make him cry?" Ashton asked, and Michael's eyes widened. He never meant to make Luke cry. He just wanted him to know that he wants Luke. He didn't really know what he did that would make Luke cry.
"I- I don't know." Michael said as he walked to Luke's room.
When he opened the door, he saw Luke wiping his eyes, sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Luke, what did I say?" Michael said, and sat beside Luke.
"You said everything." Luke whispered, and Michael placed his hands in his lap.
"I'm confused."
"You c-can't tell me I'm yours. It hurts when you say that because you have no idea how bad I want that to be true." Luke cried, laying his head on Michael's shoulder.
"But you are mine-"
"Your what, Michael? What am I to you? Your 2 a.m. make out?" He asked, and Michael sighed, looking at the hurt look in Luke's eyes.
"Luke, I-"
"I don't want her. I want you, but she holds me. And she listens to me, and holds my hand. She hugs me at random times, and she kisses my cheek. She knows that me and you are a thing, but she knows how lonely I am, so she does all of the things you don't. Even she sees how much I want you. But you don't." Luke cried, and Michael held Luke's head to his shoulder, letting him calm down.
"You are so much more to me, Luke. I just didn't know that you wanted this as bad as I did." Michael whispered, kissing Luke's head, holding him tightly.
"I can't think of anything I want more, Michael." He said, and Michael wiped his tears with his sleeve.
"I never meant to make you feel like this. I am so sorry."
"It's okay, Michael. You didn't know. I should've told you earlier about how I felt instead of it having to go this far." Luke mumbled, snuggling into Michael's side.
"You're fine." Michael whispered, kissing Luke's temple one more time.
"You asked me what you are to me. I never answered the question." Michael said, and Luke looked up at him.
"You are everything to me, Luke Hemmings."