Play With Me

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"Oh my gosh, Luke you're so hot!" Michael yelled, going through Luke's Instagram for like the 50th time today.

Luke laughed from the other side of the couch, continuing to play gears of war.

"I think I just came in my pants. You look so good in this picture." Michael said, making Luke blush and hit Michael with his foot.

Michael turned off his phone and looked up, his eyes widening at what he saw on the tv.

"Luke, why are you so dumb, you're almost out of ammunition. Go- you're stupid." Michael said, sitting behind Luke. He wrapped his arms around Luke's body, putting his hands on Luke's controller, running through the monsters, strategically shooting all that were a threat to him as he ran over to the ammo on the ground.

"You saved me." Luke giggled, looking up to kiss the corner of Michaels mouth.

"It's what I do best." Michael smirked, making Luke smile as he handed the controller back.

As soon as Luke paused the game and sat the controller down, he tackled Michael to the ground. There was nothing Luke loved more than play fights and Michael thought it was so cute.

"You might've saved me in the game, but you've gotta save yourself now.." Luke evilly laughed, keeping Michael in a headlock.

"Forget it princess." Michael scoffed before flipping Luke over so his back was on the ground. "I win."

"No you don't." Luke smirked, lifting his hips off of the ground to grind against Michaels.

"Luke, that's not fair." Michael warned.

"It's so fair.." he laughed, flipping Michael back onto the ground, sitting on his crotch.

"I win." Luke said, crossing his arms.

"I dont know, Luke. My back might be on the ground but it seems like I'm the one who's really winning." Michael laughed, slapping Luke's butt.

"You're disgusting, Michael." Luke said, leaning down to press his forehead to Michaels.

"You love it."

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