First kiss

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"We dare you to kiss Luke!" Calum drunkenly shouted, getting nods of agreement.

Michael glanced over at Luke who was sitting on the couch all alone. Somebody brought him to this party, but he wasn't very social. I could tell he didn't want to be here.

I stood up, but Ashton came over to me first.

"Michael. Don't. Please don't do it. He's so shy, and he's never had anyone kiss him. If he found out his first kiss was a dare, it would break his heart. He's fragile." Ashton said, and I looked over at the blonde boy who looked like he wanted to leave.

"I just want to go talk to him. He's all by himself." Michael said, and Ashton sighed.

"Are you drunk?" Ashton asked, knowing how cocky and risky Michael can get when he's drunk.

Michael shook his head. "I'm not drinking tonight."

"Okay. Go talk to him, but if you hurt him, I will kick your ass." Ashton said, protective over his best friend.

"I won't." Michael said, and Ashton nodded.

"I'm done playing." Michael said to the group, so they moved their attention to someone else.

Luke looked up shyly as someone approached him.

"Follow me." Michael said, and Luke shook his head shyly. "Luke, I'm not gonna hurt you, but you look like you want to get out of here. Follow me." Michael said, and held out his hand.

Luke's small hand grabbed Michael's and the blue haired boy led them out of the house, into the back yard. They walked away from all of the people, and made it to the edge of a creek.

They sat down on the bank, and Luke folded his legs to his chest, and crossed his arms. He was nervous to be sitting next to Michael. Luke wasn't very popular, but Michael was.

"What's wrong?" Michael asked, and Luke looked over at him. "W-What are you t-talking about?" Luke asked, looking up at Michael through his lashes out of pure shyness. Luke didn't know it, but Michael thought it was very cute.

"I mean, you're always by yourself." Michael said, and Luke shrugged. "I don't really talk a lot. It's kinda hard to make friends when you're too scared to make a conversation." Luke said, and looked away from Michael.

"Here. I'll help." Michael said, and scooted closer to Luke. The blonde boy became nervous at the closeness, but he calmed down after a minute.

"What's your favorite animal?" Michael asked, and Luke laughed a little. "Penguins." He said softly. "Why?" Michael asked, and Luke looked up, not expecting to have to give an explanation.

"They're adorable. I like how they walk. It's kinda funny." Luke said, and blushed, feeling like a child.

"That's very cute. Have you ever done anything totally weird?" Michael asked, and Luke tilted his head. "Like what?"

"Like been at a lame ass party, and found a really cute boy to jump into the creek with you because you really wanna have fun." Michael said, and Luke shook his head. "Michael it's like 60 degrees out here." Luke said, and Michael pulled him up.

Luke watched as Michael pulled off his shirt. He couldn't help but stare for a second.

"Are you coming?" Michael asked, and Luke took off his shirt, and shoes. When he stood back up, he covered his stomach with his arms.

"Don't do that. You look beautiful, Luke." Michael said, and took Luke's arms away, revealing his pale, small stomach. Luke shyly took Michael's hand, letting the blue haired boy lead him down the bank.

Luke shivered as the stepped in, the water coming up to his waist. He gasped when Michael tackled him, taking him under water. They came back up, and Luke squealed at how cold he was, but he was slowly getting used to it.

"Luke, no.." Michael whined, and walked over to Luke. Luke was confused until Michael started wiping off the running concealer and foundation he wore. " don't need this stuff." Michael said, and Luke blushed.

Michael chased Luke around for about ten minutes, and they splashed each other until it got really dark, and they decided to get out.

Michael walked back up to the house, and got two blankets off of the patio. When he came back, he spread one of them out, and they both sat on it. He wrapped the other one around Luke, trying to get the boy to stop shivering.

"Thank you, Michael. I know you probably don't want to be my friend after this because I'm not very cool, and everybody at school doesn't like me, but thank you for tonight. I can't remember the last time I was this happy." Luke said, causing Michael's heart to break for him.

"Of course I want to be your friend." Michael said, and Luke looked over at him. "You do?" Luke asked, hope filling his eyes. "Yes. I wouldn't want anything more." Michael said, and moved closer to Luke.

Michael wrapped an arm around Luke's shoulders, and Luke looked over at Michael, their faces just inches apart.

They both leaned in, but Michael stopped them right before their lips touched.

"I was dared to kiss you tonight, but I didn't take the dare. Ashton told me how you want your first kiss to be special. I saw you sitting all by yourself, and I knew such a beautiful boy shouldn't be by himself, so I brought you out here with the intention to see you smile. I'm not doing this for the dare, but I don't want to take your first kiss away from you unless you want me to." Michael said.

Luke was shocked by Michael's words. He didn't expect Michael to be so kind hearted and thoughtful. He liked that so much.

Luke filled the gap between them, and connected their lips. Their kiss lasted about 12 seconds before Luke broke it by smiling, causing Michael to smile also.

"I want to have so many more first kisses with you."

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