Michael woke up to Luke kicking him in the back. He furrowed his eyebrows, and looked at the time. It was 9 in the morning.
Luke never got restless in his sleep, so Michael attempted to wake him up. He softly shook Luke, and pulled him close.
When Luke's eyes opened, they were full of fear.
He gasped, and hugged Michael so tight. "Baby, it's okay. Did you have a bad dream?" Michael asked and Luke nodded with his head buried in Michael's shoulder.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" Michael asked, and Luke looked up with tears falling from his eyes.
"You left me." He whispered, and Michael hugged him again.
"That's not gonna happen. I'm not leaving you," Michael whispered, running a hand through Luke's hair.
They sat there for a good five minutes before Michael decided to get Luke something to eat.
"Babe, I'll be right back okay?" Michael said and stood up, but Luke grabbed onto his hand.
"That's what you said in my dream, but then you never came back." Luke whimpered, so Michael sat back down, kissing Luke's forehead.
"I can promise you right now that I am never going to leave you. I can't imagine doing it." Michael whispered, so Luke nodded, but still felt anxious.
"Please just lay here with me for a little longer." Luke whispered so Michael nodded, laying down next to Luke.
"There nothing you need to worry about." Michael whispered, holding Luke's head to his chest.