for alltimecalvm
Luke laughed as Michael pushed his back against the wall, pulling one of his legs around his waist as the other one stayed on the ground. It was a bit of an awkward position, but it was more than comfortable for the both of them, being able to get so close.
Luke smiled and closed his eyes as Michaels lips traveled down his neck.
"Michael quit." Luke laughed as the older boy slapped his bum.
"Any other time, you wouldn't be complaining." Michael laughed, pressing his forehead to Luke's.
"Both of our moms are supposed to be here in three hours. What if they show up early? They have keys to our apartment.." Luke said, keeping his arms wrapped around Michaels neck.
"They won't. They're both always late." Michael said and Luke thought about it for a second and nodded. Their moms said they were picking up dinner anyways so it would take a little longer.
"Come take a nap with me.." Luke said, and pouted his lips.
"Of course." Michael said and sat his alarm for 5, one hour earlier than their moms would arrive.
"You know... maybe it's nothing. Luke has always been very clingy. He always made his brothers hold him." Liz's voice said softly, making Luke stir awake.
"Yeah, maybe, but why is Michaels hand up the back of his shirt. And they're just so close. I don't know, Liz.." Luke sat up quickly when hearing Karen's voice.
"Oh- um- s-sorry. I thought you wouldn't be here until 6." Luke said as Michael slowly sat up.
"This is n-nothing. We j-"
"Is that a hickey on your neck?" Liz asked, and ran her finger over a dark mark on Luke's neck.
"Um n-"
"It is!" Karen gasped.
"You boys have got quite a bit of explaining to do." Liz said and they both looked over at each other and sighed.
"Um. Michael is my.. boyfriend. I'm sorry we didn't tell you earlier. We were just waiting for the right time." Luke said softly.
They both kept their heads down. Neither of them were ashamed, they just wish they wouldn't have to come out like this.
"Michael, I-"
"I love him, mom." Michael said, causing both of the moms faces to soften.
"We trusted you two to live together as friends. I wouldn't let you move in with a girlfriend, Luke, and I know Karen wouldn't let Michael. Same goes for a boyfriend. We thought you guys weren't going to be romantically involved. Moving in is a huge step and sometimes it can make or break a relationship." Liz said, and Luke looked up.
"Mom, I love Michael. We've been doing this for three months. I think we're going to be okay. We've been together for two years. This was just the next step." Luke said, and Liz lightly smiled.
Karen stepped forward and kissed Michaels head, and Liz did the same to Luke. "You boys are so grown up." Karen whispered.
Michael looked over to Luke and kissed his cheek quickly, making the blonde boy smile.
"We love you guys." Liz said and they all hugged tightly, the two moms proud of how far their boys have come.