"Michael?" Luke said softly as he ran over to Michael who was playing video games on the couch.
He sat down on the couch beside Michael who hadn't even acknowledged him.
Luke has a little struggle with depression and anxiety. He never has the will power to do anything and he always wonders what it would be like if he wasn't even alive. He doesn't tell Michael a lot when he's sad because Michael just likes his alone time sometimes. He likes to play video games and play guitar and other Michael stuff. He's not as affectionate as Luke is. They were kinda opposites.
"Mikey?" Luke asked again, poking his arm.
"Yeah?" Michael mumbled, still staring at the tv.
"Will you hold me?" Luke asked, but got no response. His face fell a little when he realized Michael wasn't even listening.
"Michael?" Luke asked, pushing Michael's arm a little, getting irritated already, but he couldn't help it. He had a little trouble regulating his moods when he felt like this.
"Not right now, Luke." Michael muttered, obvious annoyance in his tone.
Luke thinks Michael would be so much better off without him. He wouldn't have to deal with Luke always constantly bothering him with his problems.
"I promise I won't bother you. I just want you to hold me." Luke whispered, but once again, Michael wasn't even listening.
Luke sighed, and got up, walking over to the tv. He stood in front of the Xbox, and turned it off, really needing Michael right now.
"What was that for?!" Michael asked, and Luke's eyes widened as Michael stood up. "Just because i didn't pay attention to you?!"
"I- I-..." Luke started but he felt his nerves building up. He just wanted Michael to talk to him and tell him he's okay.
"You're so annoying.." Michael muttered, tossing the controller on the couch.
Luke's lip trembled as Michael angrily sat back down. He didn't know he was gonna make him mad.
Michael would be so much happier without Luke.
"I- I just wanted t- I'm sorry.." Luke whispered as he ran from the room. He ran down the hallways until he came to their bedroom, falling down on the bed as soon as he came to it.
Luke sobbed into the pillow. He was anxious, and all of his thoughts were giving him a headache. He needed Michael.
Michael got up about ten minutes later, deciding he should go check on Luke.
"Luke, what was that about?" Michael asked as he walked into the room. He walked over to the bed, and sat down with his back against the wall.
Luke turned around on his side, laying his head on Michael's leg.
"I just- I don't tell you when I have anxiety or I feel sad because I know you don't really like holding me, and talking about it, and being close and stuff, and you like your space, but I really need you." Luke whispered, letting his tears soak into Michael's pajama pants.
"I'm sorry for being so annoying. I just really need you." Luke said softly, and Michael laid down beside Luke.
"Baby, don't apologize. I need you to tell me when you need me-"
"I tried asking for help but you got mad at me. You didn't even listen." Luke cried, so Michael reached up, wiping the fresh tears that Luke shed.
"I am so sorry." Michael whispered, pressing a long kiss to Luke's forehead. "I'm so sorry for the way I spoke to you. You didn't deserve that at all."
Luke lightly smiled, but Michael could tell something was still wrong.
"Don't ever hesitate to talk to me. I love holding you, and being close to you, and I would do anything to make you feel like you're okay." Michael told him, so Luke nodded, trying to dry up his tears.
He held Luke's head to his chest as he ran his hands through the blonde hair.
"You're okay. I've got you. I love you." Michael whispered as he held Luke until he fell asleep.