Michael smiled at Luke as he finally took off his jacket. Everyone had gone home, leaving the two of them alone for the night.
Luke laid his jacket down, and crossed his arms over his stomach. All Luke was wearing was a red blink 182 shirt. He looks beautiful in the color red.
"Come here, sweetheart." Michael said, sitting on the edge of the bed.
Luke shyly walked over and sat on Michael's legs, straddling his waist.
"Don't hide yourself. You're okay.." Michael whispered, moving Luke's arms down, making the red lines on his arms noticeable. Nobody except for Luke and Michael had ever seen them and that's the way it was going to stay.
"You're so beautiful, Luke. You're so strong." Michael whispered.
"I want to stop, Michael. I don't want to hurt myself anymore, but I just can't." Luke whispered, a tears falling into Luke and Michaels connected hands.
"I know, baby. We're gonna get you through this. I can get you therapy sessions and-"
"No. I want to get better, but letting an old man write down my problems won't help me. I just need you." Luke told him.
Michael lightly smiled and ran a hand through Luke's hair.
Luke dropped his head onto Michaels shoulder, softly kissing the side of his neck once.
"When was the last time?" Michael asked, running his thumb over the scratches.
"Five days ago." Luke whispered.
"Luke I'm gonna help you, but you've got to pull your weight, and you can start by giving me all of your blades." Michael said, so Luke got up, getting every single one that he had hidden away.
He walked back into the room, and sat criss cross on the bed, counting them to make sure they were all there.
"12.." Luke whispered, dumping them all in Michael's hand.
Michael looked up, seeing tears fall from Luke's eyes.
"What's wrong?" Michael asked.
"I want them.." Luke whispered, so Michael stood up, walking to the bathroom.
Luke ran after him and watched as they all got flushed down the toilet.
"I'm not going to allow you to hurt yourself anymore." Michael told him, holding the crying boys head to his shoulder. He slowly picked him up, walking back to their bedroom.
He laid Luke down, crawling on top of him. He held Luke close to him. The younger boys head was tucked under his arm.
"You're gonna be okay." Michael whispered.
"Please keep holding me like this." Luke cried.
"Baby, I will hold you as long as you want. I just want you to get better. I need you to be happy." Michael whispered, kissing his forehead.
"I can do it." Luke whispered as Michael kissed both of Luke's mutilated wrists.