Michael lightly smiled as he walked up to Luke who was a crying mess on the corner of the street.
"Hey, let's get you home, okay?" Michael whispered, placing his jacket over Luke's shoulders.
"He said he wasn't gonna do it again, Michael." Luke cried, holding Michael's jacket onto him, walking under the arm Michael had on his shoulders.
"Don't cry, Luke. You shouldn't be with someone who doesn't care enough to not show up on your dates. He's stupid, and you're worth so much more than that." Michael told him, kissing Luke's temple.
Michael's heart broke for Luke, but at the same time, he was glad that guy was out of Luke's life. Michael loves Luke, and now nobody's in his way.
"Obviously not if he didn't even think to show up." Luke said, wiping his eyes.
"Honestly, Luke, I feel bad for him because he really missed out on having the best guy in the whole world." Michael told him, making Luke smile a little.
"Thanks, Mikey." Luke whispered.
"No problem..." Michael said as they got to his car. "...now dry your tears, babe because he doesn't deserve it."
Luke smiled as Michael wiped underneath his eyes, collecting the remaining tears.
"I don't know why I'm crying. I don't even really like him. He hasn't shown up enough times for me to get to know him and I guess that's what hurts the most." Luke said softly.
Michael hugged Luke tightly, letting the younger boy lay on his shoulder.
"He wasn't worth knowing." Michael whispered in Luke's ear, sending chills down his spine.
"I'm gonna hate myself for saying this but the only reason I set up dates with him was so I could try to move on from you." Luke whispered, and Michael just held him tighter.
"Dont move on." Michael told him, pressing his forehead to Luke's.
"What?" Luke asked, placing his hand on Michael's chest.
"Don't try to move on. I want you, Luke. I just didn't know you did too." Michael whispered, making Luke smile as Michael pulled his jacket back up to shield Luke from the wind.
"I want you to kiss me, but I kinda wanna wait until we're home. I don't wanna kiss in public. Not here. I want me and you to be alone together. I wanna make everything between us." Luke whispered, and Michael smiled, opening his car door.
"Well than lets get you home baby because I've been waiting for two years for you to say that."