Michael laid on his side, watching in complete admiration as Luke played with snapchat filters on the older boys phone.
Michael smiled when Luke would make dumb faces, laughing at himself.
"Look at this one.." Luke laughed, showing Michael the picture he took. He was posting them all to his story, blowing up Michael's snapchat, but he didn't mind.
Eventually Luke got bored with it, and laid the phone down, turning on his side to face Michael.
Michael brought a hand over, running it through Luke's loose curls. "So pretty.." Michael whispered, looking into Luke's captivating blue eyes.
Luke smiled, and scooted closer.
Michael was never a really cuddly person. He preferred just laying close, but Luke was as cuddly as he could possibly be.
"Will you hold me tonight?" Luke asked, pouting his lip a little bit, his eyes going wide, filled with hope.
No matter what, Michael could never say no to Luke like that.
"Of course." Michael slung an arm around Luke's neck, his face tucked under Michael's arm. The blonde smiled, his face close to Michael's.
Michael used his free arm to hold Luke's waist.
"You have to hold me at least until I fall asleep okay? You can't let go, got it?" Luke said, and Michael's laughed, nodding.
He kissed Luke's forehead, and watched as the younger boy smiled.
Luke had a good way of getting exactly what he wants. All he has to do is pout and show Michael his big blue puppy eyes. It works absolutely every time.
"I love you, Luke. You know that right?"
Luke nodded softly.
"Good.." Michael whispered, and Luke smiled softly.
"I love you, too, Michael,"