Michael breathing quickened as he stepped into the hospital. He was called, and they said Luke had been found.
They started dating when they were fifteen, but Luke was taken. He has been gone for 7 years, and now he's almost 22.
Michael can't wait to see Luke again, but they said he's brainwashed, and is having a hard time gripping reality. Michael still loves Luke so much, but it might just not happen. They used to hate each other but, one night in the middle of a heated argument, they found themselves on Michael's bed. The night before Luke left, they made love for the first time.
"Be patient and very calm with him. No loud noises." The doctor said before letting me and his parents walk in.
All of their eyes teared up as they saw Luke sitting in the corner, looking around with fear in his eyes. There was a bruise under his eye. The same blue eyes Michael fell in love with.
"W- who are you?" Luke asked softly, causing a tear to fall from Michael's eye.
"Luke, were your parents." Liz said quietly, and Luke's face turned to confusion.
"N-No." He whispered, shaking his head quickly.
"Stop." He spat before cowering down in fear again.
"This is Michael. He's your boyfriend." Liz said, so Michael waved, and Luke looked at him for a few seconds.
"I don't know you." He said softly.
"Yes you do, Luke. I love you." Michael said quietly, and that made Luke furious.
"Nobody's allowed to love me besides Tyler!" Luke yelled, balling his fists up.
Tyler is the man who took Luke.
"Tyler is a bad man. He's gone, Luke." Liz said, and Luke looked down at his knees, staying quiet.
"He told me that everyone would tell me he is bad, but he isn't. He told me that everyone would be lying to me." Luke said softly after a few minutes of silence.
Michael glanced back, and saw Liz crying into Andrews shoulder.
"Luke, come here." Michael said, holding out his hand, but Luke shook his head quickly.
"Please. I'm not gonna hurt you. I just want to show you something." Michael said, and Luke slowly took his hand, being pulled up off of the ground.
They sat on the bed and Liz and Andrew watched closely to see how exactly Michael got Luke to feel comfortable.
"Look." Michael said, showing Luke his lock screen. It was a picture they took together. The night before Luke disappeared, Michael held him all night, and got a picture of Luke laying on his chest.
"Th- That's me..." Luke whispered, pointing at himself.
"That's a picture of me and you seven years ago. It was the night I told you I love you." Michael said, and Luke teared up, not understanding what was going on. He was scared again.
"Your name is Michael?" Luke asked, looking up at the brunette.
"Yes." Michael said softly.
Luke looked down, and felt his head become all fuzzy, and it started hurting like crazy. He couldn't hear anything anymore as a memory filled his mind:
"Luke, you have no idea how-"
"Shut up and kiss me again." Luke said, interrupting him.
Michaels lips attached to Luke's, as he pressed their chests together. He could feel their hearts beating at the same quick speed.
They pulled back, and Michael laid beside Luke, looking at the time. It was past two in the morning, but he didn't want the night to end.
"You're so beautiful." Michael whispered, making Luke smile.
The blonde boy reached up, running his hand through Michael's hair.
"Promise me that you're never gonna leave." Luke whispered, looking at the yellowish glow that casted off of Michael's face from the dim light.
"I can't imagine myself leaving you, Luke. I promise." He whispered, pressing another kiss to his lips.
"What's going on?" Michael asked as Luke held his hand tightly while the doctor tried to get him to calm down. He was shaking and his breathing was uneven.
Luke quickly turned to Michael's voice and looked up, tears spilling over his eyes.
"Mikey!" He cried, hugging Michael so tightly. "Y- You promised me you wouldn't leave me. You're still here." Luke sobbed, and Michael had to hold him up because his body was so weak all of a sudden.
"Baby." Michael's whispered, pressing a long kiss to Luke's forehead.
Liz and Andrew ran over, giving Luke a hug as the blonde boy just cried and cried as all of the memories from his real life flooded his head.
He wanted to go home, and home was wherever Michael is.
"I love you." Luke cried, holding onto Michael's shirt.
"I love you, too. I always knew I'd see you again. I always knew you would come home." Michael whispered, rubbing Luke's arm.
"I'm home."