Self Consious

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Luke nervously walked into the building, sighing as he saw several lights and cameras set up.

"Luke, you're here!" A man said, and walked over to Luke, holding out his hand. Luke lightly smiled and shook his hand. "I'm going to be your photographer. I'm Michael." He said, and Luke nodded.

He was a little shy. He loved modeling, but he was usually modeling suits or other clothes. Now he's doing an editorial, nude photo for a magazine.

"Is everything okay?" Michael asked, noticing Luke's shyness.

"Y-Yeah. I'm just a little nervous." Luke laughed, crossing his arms.

Michael felt bad for Luke. He didn't want to do the shoot, but his agent made him. It pays really well.

"Hey, there nothing to be worried about. Most of the people here won't even pay attention. It's just me and you, okay?" Michael said, and Luke nodded.

"Okay, you can just leave your clothes over there, and then I'll be ready." He said, and Luke looked up at him.

"No hair or makeup?" He asked, and Michael shook his head.

"This picture is all about vulnerability. Anything that needs major touching up, we can edit on the computer." Michael said, and Luke nodded.

He shyly walked to the changing wall, and took off his clothes, leaving them on the table.

He looked down and sighed. He was completely hairless, his legs looked long, but he just wasn't happy with his nude body. He felt vulnerable for sure.

A few people crowded around light and computers, but when Michael came out, he felt a little more shy. There was a hot guy taking pictures of his naked body.

Luke sat on the ground, pulling his knees up out of shyness.

"That's beautiful.." Michael commented, and Luke lightly smiled, not realizing he was really doing anything. Michael shot the picture, and Luke made little movements as Michael kept taking pictures.

Luke couldn't help but feel so exposed though. He hated it. He absolutely hated it.

"I'm sorry, can we stop for a second?" Luke asked, feeling tears poke at his eyes.

"Of course." Michael said, walking over to Luke.

"Is everything okay?" He asked softly, kneeling down to meet Luke's eye level.

"No. I'm just not used to this at all. I'm sorry, I know I'm being really unprofessional but I don't know if I can do this." Luke whispered as tears spilled over his cheeks. He had never felt so nervous and self conscious.

"Can we have a private set?" Michael yelled, so Luke watched as people got up and left the room.

"Luke, you're okay. You're not being unprofessional. I honestly think your vulnerability right now is perfect for this shoot, but I can't force you to do anything. You are beautiful, and you are doing an amazing job so far. It's just us. Do you think you can try again?" Michael asked, and Luke nodded.

He reached up to wipe his tears but Michael stopped him.

"Don't. They look beautiful. I think it makes the picture." He said, holding up his camera.

Luke smiled, and looked down. He had never felt so beautiful. Michaels eyes, and Michael's eyes only were on him right now and he knew he could do it.

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