for Moo_Juice
Luke smiled at himself in the mirror. He felt so pretty. He's never dyed his hair a weird color before but he loves it.
His pastel pink hair looked so gorgeous with his white dress, and mixed with his blue eyes, he looked like cotton candy. He's never felt so pretty.
"Mikey!" Luke squeaked once his hair was dry and styled the way he wanted it.
He ran down the stairs and into the kitchen, hugging Michael so tight. "Look how pretty I am! I feel like a princess-"
"What the hell, Luke?" Michael asked, so Luke looked up smiling at Michael.
"Why did you do this?" Michael asked, furrowing his eye brows. That's not the reaction Luke wanted.
"I- I just thought it would be pretty." He whispered. "I- I never do anything like this. I'm always so shy and I never do anything out of the ordinary. I thought dying my hair some weird color would kinda push me out of my comfort zone."
"It's just- I don't know." Michael whispered. "You know, I kinda dye my hair when I feel low. It's like, my thing you know. My hair is what makes me different. I don't know." Michael said, and Luke frowned. He didn't know it would mean this much to Michael.
"I'm sorry, Michael." He said as Michael started to walk to the living room.
He just didn't feel pretty anymore. He felt like he took something away from Michael that meant so much to him.
"Just forget it." Michael said, and Luke sat there in embarrassment. He thought Michael would absolutely love it. He thought he would tell him he looks pretty, but he didn't. He doesn't like it at all. Luke hated himself for doing it and wanted nothing more than to go back to his boring blonde hair that Michael adored.
He felt ugly. He felt like Michael no longer thought he was the prettiest boy on the planet like he always said.
Luke stood up and walked to their bedroom. He took off his dress and put on a sweatshirt. He pulled the hood up, hiding the mistake he did to his hair.
He let his tears soak into the sleeve as he walked downstairs. He walked into the living room to see Michael watching tv.
"Michael, I'm sorry. I'm gonna schedule an appointment for tomorrow to go get it fixed. I didn't know how much it meant to you. I thought you would love it." Luke said, and Michael pulled him down beside him.
Luke snuggled into Michaels side, sniffling as his tears hit the older boys sleeve.
"Dont do that. Please don't do that. I absolutely love your hair. It was just a big surprise and I didn't know what to say.." Michael said, pulling the hood off of Luke's head, running his hand through the pink hair.
" look so beautiful. So absolutely beautiful. I don't want you to change it. I love it." He said, making Luke smile a little.
"Do you really?" Luke said.
"Of course I do. No matter what you do, you still look hot. There's nothing you can do that will make you look ugly. Everything you do is so pretty," Michael said, kissing his head.
"I love you," Luke whispered.
"I love you too, princess."