"Baby?" Luke asked, as he sat up in the bed. Michael wasn't there to hold him like he usually is.
He threw on Michael's sweater that covered his bum and his hands, and walked to the bathroom, but Michael wasn't in there.
"Mikey!" Luke whimpered, chewing on the sleeve of the sweater out of nervousness.
It was only 5:30 in the morning. The sun wasn't even up yet. He doesn't know where Michael could be, or what he could be doing.
He ran downstairs, and looked out of the window, seeing Michael's car was gone.
He looked around, not seeing anything of value that Michael would come back for, and that filled Luke's head with the most heartbreaking thoughts. He took his phone and his wallet and that's all he needs.
Luke ran over to his phone and called Michael quickly as tears filled his blue eyes.
"Hey sweetheart." Michael said through the phone, making Luke smile a little bit.
"Where did you go?" Luke asked, his voice breaking.
"You were getting restless in your sleep again so I went out and bought you those sleep drinks you like. I'm pulling into the driveway now." Michael said, and Luke felt relief wash over his body.
He hung up and ran his hand through his hair as he saw Michael walk through the door a few seconds later.
"Did you have to go this early? I woke up and I was scared to death!" Luke told him, holding himself against Michael's chest.
"I'm sorry, baby, but I couldn't sleep, and I knew you would need these eventually." Michael said, and Luke sniffled, keeping his head on Michael's shoulder.
"What's wrong?" Michael asked, and Luke laughed weakly.
"I don't know. I think too much. I thought you left." Luke whispered, and Michael held him tightly.
"I'm never gonna leave you.." Michael whispered, running a hand through Luke's hair. "..now, go upstairs and go back to sleep. I'll be up there in a few minutes after I put these in the fridge."
"Can I come with you?" Luke asked, holding onto Michael's hand.
"Of course." He said, and Luke shyly followed behind, slightly embarrassed that he thought Michael had left.
After everything was put away, Michael led Luke back up the stairs.
The younger boy crawled into bed, and watched as Michael laid down beside him. He rolled over, and draped his body over Michael's, feeling completely safe as Michael's arms wrapped around him.
"Don't you ever think I'd ever leave you." Michael whispered, kissing the top of Luke's head.