Carry Me

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"Baby, were home." Michael whispered, shaking Luke a little.

The blonde boy pulled his Mickey Mouse blanket further up, and snuggled further into the middle compartment.

"Come on, sweetheart, let's go inside. We can unload the car in the morning." Michael said, looking at their suitcases in the back.

"Please carry me." Luke whispered, and Michael sighed.

"Luke, cmon." Michael told him.

"Please, Mikey." Luke whimpered. Pouting his lips.

Michael couldn't say no to his face, so he found himself walking over to Luke's side of he car.

He got his keys out of his pocket, and picked Luke up, carrying him with one arm to the door. It was a bit of a struggle because Luke was so tall, but it was okay.

He unlocked the door, and kicked it shut once they were inside. He locked it back, and slowly carried Luke up the stairs.

He laid Luke down in their king size bed, smiling at how pretty Luke looked against the white sheets.

"Goodnight, baby." Michael whispered.

"Come here." Luke whispered, pulling Michael down beside him. He cuddled into Michaels chest and the brunette smiled, running his hand through Luke's wavy hair.

"You're so cute." Michael whispered, kissing the top of Luke's head.

"I'm sleepy.." Luke mumbled, looking up.

"Than go to sleep, baby. You're okay." Michael laughed, so Luke just laid his head back down.

"Love.." Luke whispered.

"I love you too."

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