Luke stomped into the living room with a pout on his face after he read Michael's latest tweet.
'hanging out with my favorite guy ever. hell yeah!!'
Attached was a picture of him and one of his friends. Luke always disliked this friend of Michael's because they're always getting too close for Luke's liking, and he never acknowledged Luke when he came over to hang out with Michael, but that's besides the point.
Michael called him his favorite, and Luke wanted to be his favorite.
"Michael, can we talk?" Luke asked, and looked down to see the two boys sitting on the couch, cuddling as they watched a movie. That made Luke furious.
"Sure, babe." He said, and stood up
He followed luke into the bed room, and once the door was shut, he crossed his arms.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"I don't like how close you two are getting." Luke said, and Michael rolled his eyes because he has heard this all before. "Don't roll your eyes at me.." Luke said softly.
"Luke, he's my best friend." Michael said.
"I know that." Luke said.
"Then why are you so upset about it?" Michael whisper yelled.
"I'm not." Luke said, and Michael sighed.
"Luke, you're obviously upset. Otherwise, we wouldn't be up here talking about it." Michael said, and Luke pouted.
"Fine. You called him your favorite, but I'm your favorite. And you're only supposed to hold me like that. I am your favorite right?" Luke asked, and looked up with sad, innocent eyes.
Michael laughed, and pulled Luke close, kissing his forehead. "You're always gonna be my favorite."
Luke sighed in relief, and smiled. "You don't need to get jealous because I'm in love with you, not him, okay?" He said, and Luke nodded.
"I love you too, by the way."