More then just friends

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Louis: Your thumbs twiddle over the letter keys on your phone, dancing because they don't exactly know what to type. A simple 'hey', or maybe even a 'what's up?', but there's so much you want to say then just those few words. You keep it short and simple, but your thumb makes that same little dance move over the send button. Are you annoying him? Probably not, because he likes getting texts from you just as much as you like receiving texts from him.

Niall: Warm embraces in large arms makes your whole world melt. That aftershave spearmint and spice mix clogs up any clear and vivid thought you once had. Yes, he's squeezing tight, but it's only for a second before he starts pulling away. You burry your nose closer into his soft t-shirt, you cling tighter and he knows not to let go quite yet. Those few seconds extra that you had attached to his body you don't take for granted because when is the next time you'll have an excuse to hug him tight?

Liam: Night after night of being tangled in damp bed sheets, and being covered in cold sweats sounded fun at first, but there's only so much you can do before the sweet talk, small pecks, and after-sex cuddling get to you. You look at him in a completely new way - and the sparkles in your eyes are there to prove it - with a different kind of lust for him; not sex, but a relationship. Going on dates and holding hands; goodnight kisses and warm hugs - yes, that's what you want.

Zayn: For years and years you'd go to Zayn when you were sad; your parents were fighting, some girl talked behind your back, or your boyfriend broke up with you. But, you'd go to him with happy news too, and to see him with his grin all crooked and goofy you see him in a new way - a beautiful way. He's not your little best friend anymore; he's handsome and a gentleman. He knows how to treat a lady right, and you want to be that next lady who gets the honor of his love.

Harry: It wasn't until he had a girl on his arms that you realized just how jealous you really were, and you couldn't do a thing about it. You liked her, and you were happy with how happy he was with her, but did that stop the gut wrenching feeling you had when he kissed her goodbye with a glimmer in his eyes, then turned to you with that shine washed away? No - it made it worse, because that could have been you. Months have passed and you've denied all feelings, but it's a bit to late, eh?

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