He saves you

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Zayn: You were out in a club, dancing with some of your friends, and drinking. There was one guy that you'd had your eye on the whole night. He was tall with dark blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes, he seemed nice enough when he bought a drink for you. But soon you left to go dance with one of your friends. The whole time you could feel two other sets of eyes on you. One set was the cute guy and the other one was a dark, quiet, mysterious boy who was leaning against the bar, watching you carefully, his eyes squinted. It was a few minutes later when you started feeling kind of dizzy as the room started to blur around you. "Y/N, are you alright?" your friend asked when you fell against her. "I need some air." You started to walk away towards the door and she followed you until you waved her off and told her that you were okay. You sat down on the dirty alley floor and everything faded away to black. While you were unconscious, the "nice" blonde guy just so happened to walk by. He picked you up in his arms and carried you back to his car where everything was more private. He didn't notice the shadowy figure that came running out of the door, searching for you, but it was too late because you were already in the random guy's car, underneath him while he attempted to strip you. Several hours later, you woke up in a bed, sunlight pouring in and stinging your eyes. You sat up, looking around the unfamiliar room trying to remember how you got there. The bedroom door opened and the dark, mysterious boy walked in with a cup of tea in his hands. "Good, you're awake." "How did I get here?" You were sort of afraid, pulling the sheets up to your chin and sitting as far back as you could when he stood at the foot of the bed, his eyes on the floor.. "That bastard slipped something in your drink and when you passed out he tried to rape you. I found you just in time and brought you back here. Don't worry, I slept out there. I only wanted to be sure that you were alright." He looked up suddenly and held out the tea to you. "I'm Zayn, by the way." "Y/N and thanks for saving me I guess."

Louis: You know what they say. Two heads are better than one. So it was probably a good thing that your best friend was always there for you, helping you with your decisions. Louis had been there for as long as you could remember. He advised you on tests, crushes, other friends, and one time he even eased your mind when you honestly believed you were pregnant even though you'd never had sex. But he was always there for you and this time was no different. "Lou, I'm going to leave. I have to catch that flight." You two lived together as roomates although many people believed it was more than that and truthfully he wanted it to be more. "Wait, babe, don't go yet!" He scrambled to his feet, throwing himself over furniture and nearly tackling you onto the ground. "But if I'm any later I'll miss the flight." "So? I can book you a later one. I just need to spend more time with you before you leave me for so long. His face was buried in your neck and his arms held you closely against him. "Don't leave, Y/N. You have five days before you absolutely have to be in Italy. I can take you there and we can be all touristy together, babe." Eventually you gave in, letting him herd you over to the sofa and he pushed you down on it, laying on top of you, crushing you underneath him. "Louis!" You squealed, pushing at his chest even though you could feel your heart throbbing at the way his body was touching yours. Slowly he moved until his face was directly above yours, breath pushing against your lips. "Do you want to just kiss me, hm? Because this whole just teasingly hovering above me thing isn't working." You told him, lifting your fingers to trace patterns on his cheek. He lowered his mouth down to yours, kissing you softly at first and then more passionately. When you broke the kiss, he sighed. "That was nice. You don't know how long I've wanted to do that." "Probably as long as I have." You pulled him back in for a kiss and that's how you spent the rest of the day. It was that night when you turned on the TV to the news that you saw the video of the plane crash. The crash of the plane that you would've been on had Louis not stopped you.

Harry: Teenage girls with cameras and One Direction tshirts on were, everywhere, swarming the lobby of the hotel and the area in front of it. You weren't exactly saying that was a bad thing considering that you were there too just hoping for a glimpse of one of the boys that you'd idolized for so long. Finally they came out of the doors, walking along the cleared path to the van that was waiting for them. Everyone around you surged forward hoping to catch the boys' attention, to touch them, to see their smile. But you didn't move fast enough and you were pushed around, somehow managing to get close to the front, but pushed to the ground. One girl stepped on your hair, sending a lashing pain through the back of your skull, another nudged you in the rib with her seemingly steel-toed boots, and a third girl accidentally kicked your bag away. That was very unfortunate because right then your body decided to have an asthma attack. You reached for your bag but you couldn't reach it between all of the legs and feet. You started wheezing and somehow over the sounds of the screams, Harry noticed you, lying on the ground, struggling to breathe. He broke the barrier that security had made and he pushed towards you as he realized what was happening. "Where's your inhaler?" He asked you, searching for it in your pockets but it obviously wasn't there. You struggled to reach for your bag once again and he grabbed for it, digging through the useless things. Finally he found it, shaking it and then putting it in your mouth. You could breathe again, but he still helped you to your feet, concern creasing his brow. Even through they were meant to be on their way to the arena where they had their concert that night, Harry picked you up and carried you in his arms to the van, deciding for everyone that you were coming along. "This was an unexpected turn of events." You said once the vehicle had started moving.

Niall: Why had you even showed up? You weren't supposed to have been there. For the longest time you'd had a phobia of going to that particular store. You hadn't had any idea why, but maybe now you did. You'd been on your way home when your mother had called you an asked you to stop at the shop because she absolutely needed something from it. You nearly had a panic attack when you walked inside, but after a few minutes you realized that everything was alright, you were just being ridiculous. But then you saw the pretty blonde boy browsing a shelf a few feet away from you. He looked familiar and when he turned to face you, a smile and blue eyes popped out of your memory. Niall Horan was standing a few feet away from you looking at fruit snacks. Maybe it was a very good thing that she'd asked you to stop there. You waved over at him and he laughed quietly, both of you going back to looking at the items in front of you. Suddenly there was a loud bang from a few shelves over. Both of your heads shot up, eyes wide, and your heart was pounding. When another one sounded along with a scream just a few seconds later, you dropped onto the floor. Was someone shooting up the place? You glanced over at him to see he was on the ground as well, pretty well hidden behind a display. You turned your head to the end of the aisle just in time to see a shadowy figure lift their arm. There was a loud bang followed quickly by pain radiating through your chest. The shadow moved on. There were bangs and screams and all the while the world faded to a darker and darker color. You looked down to see blood leaking through your fingers and it was getting harder to breathe or think or anything really. "Hey, hey. Stay with me, hear me? Don't close your eyes, babe." He appeared over you, his eyes wet and unsure as they scanned over your body. There was the sound of sirens and squealing, something exploding shouts bangs whimpers loud words and rushing rushing rushing in your ears. Everything was muffled and the world through your eyes was muted. Bright lights and blinking, numbness and pain and confusion is all you felt. You were in a hospital you could tell that much from the sterile smell and the beeping noises. You tried to sit up, but arms came out of nowhere and pushed you back down. "No no no. The doctor's said that you can't move." You looked over to your side to see Niall sitting there. "What's your name? They wouldn't telI me." He held onto your hand and you looked at him to see a red stain on his shirt. "I"m Y/N. What happened?" "You got shot and I saved you. The ambulance people said that if I hadn't been there putting pressure on it that you would've died." Niall continued to hold your hand in his as if he never wanted to let go.

Liam: All day long you'd been feeling kind of sick, but your friends convinced you to go to the party anyway. You pulled on a nice dress and heels and then left. You were tired so you sat down on the sofa next to a nice guy with tanned skin, warm brown eyes, and a sweet smile. "I'm Liam." He introduced himself. "Y/N." you shook his hand and that began your conversation with him. It wasn't too long into it when you began to feel like your abdomen was getting burned from the inside out. But you weren't expecting your period for another few days. You prayed that you wouldn't have actually leaked out yet so you excused yourself and started to stand up. "Wait, Y/N." His arm wrapped around your waist and pulled you back down, his mouth pressing to your ear. "I don't think you really want to stand up in that lovely white dress of yours." You closed your eyes, internally groaning. "And why's that?" "I think you've got your period." He whispered. "Do you want me to get you out of here?" You nodded. In one motion, he stood up with you, your back pressed to his therefore hiding the red stain on the back of your dress, and at the same time he pushed on of the pillows down to cover the stain left on the cushion. Liam helped maneuver the two of you through the crowd of people without revealing your embarrassment. He led you to his car and opened the passenger side door. "What about the seats?" "That doesn't matter, love, just get in." He was sweet about it, he drove to a store and bought you chocolate and tampons and then you both went back to his place. "Thank you for saving me from how embarrassing it would be to explain that to people. And for buying all that for me." You changed into a pair of his clothes and settled onto his sofa with him and spent the night together watching movies and talking.

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